A One State Solution To The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

5 min readOct 14, 2023


Jewish economist Ludwig von Mises.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict must not only be solved in order to stop the polarizations which will lead to the final world war as it is becoming increasingly obvious, but can and should be seen as an opportunity to spread an understanding of free-markets and how freedom is the key to socioeconomic harmony. To learn more about free markets, the vital intellectuals of ‘The Austrian School’, as well as some important history regarding the conflict please see video linked in comments-description before proceeding.

We propose a single country-state with a mostly NON-Democratic government where everyone has equal rights. Name and flag can be determined in some future time but should obviously not single out or exclude any group of people..The central government should be minimal in the sense that it should only be involved in protecting private property and act as a sort of default set of rules-guidelines when more local communities do not define them, and should clearly be forbidden from ever going into education, elderly care, any kind of socialized medicine, etc. ‘The Voluntaryist Constitution’ provides a great foundation for such a legal structure. This is NOT up to democratic change and is important so that Jews will not fear a larger Muslim population eventually taking their freedoms away, or their wealth, which would definitely be the case if they were forced to pay for massive public sector welfare-state-bureaucracies attempting to provide equal access to education, health services, elderly care, etc. that the economically-ignorant-though-well-intentioned-public always falls for.

Jews and Muslims and Christians, everyone, will have the obvious freedom to pool their wealth to create their own privately funded educational systems-charities and be free to discriminate if they so wish based on religion, sex, whatever their customs or free individuals agree upon. The hyper-religious Jews who want to define which homo sapiens is or is not a Jew, marriage customs, etc. can create their contracts-laws associate-disassociate with whoever they want, they just can’t coerce others.

Palestinians who were expelled during various wars and their descendants will obviously have the right to go back to the lands they were expelled from. If the lands have since been developed a simple starting solution to the potential conflicts and a way to provide some restitution to the Palestinians and help get this area on a rapid path to amazing prosperity is as follows:

Jews keep all lands and homes and buildings they currently have developed and are clearly being used for productive purposes, even the settlements in the West Bank. My guess is that this actual amount of land is probably no more than 40% percent of the land. Then we take the other 60% percent, and using some simple software we distribute it to all Palestinians and their descendants who were dispossessed thus privatizing most of the country. A similar effort should be made so that Jews who were expelled from European and Muslim countries can regain their lost property.

So far this simple framework accomplishes the following:

Jews should be pretty happy, no fear of a demographic majority that can then interfere with your freedom and-or property, no need to pay for the education of non-Jews or other Jews for that matter. The more religious Jews who have a super strong connection to the land can live, travel, buy land everywhere. No draconian uprooting or potentially economically devastating disruptions.

Palestinians regain their freedom and land. Since this minimal state will have minimal-no taxes or regulations it will quickly blossom in prosperity. Foreign investment will rush into the country to hire Palestinians, competition between them for their labor will quickly increase their pay-wealth. The land will quickly increase in value, providing much deserved compensation for the Palestinians. The entire country will skyrocket in socioeconomic prosperity and serve as an example-beacon of progress.

A few thoughts regarding the feasibility of this proposal. As things are today over 20% of Israelis are Arabs. So Jews and Arabs already getting along in a single state already happens relatively peacefully, and even with all the errors associated with current Zionist state like having a flag and national anthem that represents people whose grandparents expelled the family members and co-religionists of 20% of the inhabitants. The above suggested changes will only make it even easier to get along. Initially those whose “identities” fear-distrust each other the most will just live in more segregated parts of the country and neighborhoods just like happens in the USA with states, cities, and neighborhoods with higher proportions of various groups like blacks, Hispanics, etc. In the USSA there are no black or Hispanic or White militias attacking each other and the same would occur in this new country.

If just a few Zionist leaders can be persuaded to admit that Zionism had been a mistake understandably made by well intentioned people, and then we could likewise get a few major Islamic leaders to show immense respect and sympathy for such Zionist leaders, and to also acknowledge how the Islamic world’s naive antisemitic fallacies has been a major contributor to Zionist fallacies. This could be huge. We must have faith that we can find Zionist and Islamic Gorbachevs who can admit to their respective errors and become visible beacons to lead the rest of their respective populations.

The very mention by a few prominent Israeli and Islamic leaders that we will begin to work towards a solution along the above lines will bring immense happiness and peace and reverse the polarizations and direction towards the Final World War.

Loudly clamoring for a solution along these lines brings us free-marketeers tremendous advantages. We will be the only ones actually making noise and bringing attention to a rather simple-and-thus-easy-to-spread viral plan. It gives us an opportunity to teach and sort of piggyback basic economics as we explain to people how prosperity will skyrocket helping us in our more ambitious world-wide free-market educational efforts, which is obviously the key to everything. As things are right now, such a solution seems impossible, but with clever marketing we can succeed at spreading the necessary ideas so all parties can be persuaded without any coercive-violent-troublesome mandates. If we are to reach a quick peace and prosperity we must first have a simple plan for it and people who believe it can be achieved. We simply have no choice, we either make Misesians of everyone, or we blow ourselves up.



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