An Evolutionary/Hayekian Review of Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s book: “The Real Anthony Fauci”
Civilization saving! Even better and more courageous than I hoped. Yet a few vital economic flaws.
The good/amazing:
This book is beyond awesome. It will play a vital role in the monumental struggle needed to save civilization from numerous medical myths and resulting Priesthoods that we currently find ourselves coerced by. The book has the potential to do to the Scientism Priesthood that has been inadvertently evolving and monopolyzing/tyrannizing civilization what Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses did to the all-powerful/coercive Catholic Church of the time. Just chapters 3-7 which deal with Fauci’s involvement in the HIV/AIDS myth/calamity I would have gladly paid $300 for even though I was already familiar with most of it. The earlier amazon best-seller “Faucian Bargain” did an ok job highlighting some of Fauci’s nonsense relating to Covid, but it did not go into the real HIV/AIDS mythology which is the root of the horrors/myths and vital for understanding the metamorphosis of the Bolshevik-like medical/Scientific tyranny/priesthood that is upon us. Whether this omission was due to strategy, cowardice, ignorance, who cares, I’m glad that book was #1 for many days and was a quick/easy/viral read. I guess civilization needed someone of RFK jr’s clout to have the cojones and/or resources/whatever to deal with the HIV/AIDS myth and be in a position to deal with the blowback and I’m so glad RFK jr dealt with the subject in a masterful way. People are obviously getting desperate, the risk of being called an “hiv/science denier” has to be overcome to deal with the truth before the myths/falsehoods destroy civilization as they are doing right before our eyes and hopefully RFK jr’s book is what leads an intellectual charge so that people no longer have to go across no-man’s-land on their own. Those chapters do a brilliant job of summarizing the civilization-saving atlas-like efforts of people like Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Karry Mullis, journalists/researchers Celia Ingrid Farber and John Lauritsen, and scientist Peter Duesberg and many more. John Lauritsen was one of the key unsung heroes who saw through the myths/negligence/bullshit early on, painstakingly used the Freedom of Information Act to get AZT FDA drug trial docs which exposed the AZT trial for the fraudulent/negligent sham that it was. I’m glad RFK jr goes out of his way to recommend John’s amazing book “The AIDS War: Propaganda, Profiteering, and Genocide from the Medical Industrial Complex” as well as Peter Duesberg’s masterpiece “Inventing the AIDS Virus” and Celia Farber’s “Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS”
If people think the Vioxx scandal was bad, wait till they learn about how the fraudulent/toxic/deadly AZT drug misled millions onto their deaths and how Fauci’s negligence/errors/etc. played the leading role in this calamity which killed the beloved tennis player Arthur Ashe, and even bigger star, Queen frontman Freddy Mercury (not mentioned in RFK jr book, but mentioned in ‘Virus Mania’ which is also heavily referred to in RFK jr’s book and is a MUST READ). The minute the millions of Freddy Mercury fans get a hold of these chapters, a desperately needed tsunami of outrage towards Fauci should further help civilization rid itself of this most dangerous ideologue/Pope/Priesthood. The discussion on the horrors of how the CDC/NIAID and growing HIV priesthood would use orphans and Child Protection Services’ kids to use as guinea pigs for their bullshit drug trials was rightfully horrific. RFK jr does a wonderful job of documenting the toxic negligence of both Fauci and Gates. There is just not a wasted sentence. Other reviewers have done a better job of praising its numerous contributions…. So I’ll get to some subtle but I think important criticisms that in no way subtract from the book’s must-read nature, but before getting to them I have to devote a couple of paragraphs to summarize/introduce the socioeconomic wisdom of 1974 Nobel Laureate in Economics F.A. Hayek.
The socioeconomic order inadvertently emerges from the tradition of private property. Our 'freedom to trade' our private property with anyone in the planet inadvertently transforms mankind into a global supercomputer where people/companies are motivated to innovate and learn from each other thus inadvertently cooperate to discover and spread superior information with which to serve customers and reorder all of mankind. It is our freedom as consumers to buy the best cars, and as producers to go into the auto manufacturing business, which motivates existing auto manufacturers(competitors) to innovate/compete/learn to produce the best cars. Power door-locks/windows, anti-lock brakes, etc. all emerging in competing minds and spreading and thus benefiting all competitors/cooperators and customers. It is people’s ‘freedom to trade’ their wealth for the convenient/cheaper/better products from which motivates Walmart to offer similar products/services. Neither company/order can raise its prices for fear of losing customers to competitors. All ‘private sector’ companies/orders are stuck in a never-ending race continuously discovering/spreading the best information with which to reorder their millions of employees/resources. The more wealth is produced, the more wealth has to be offered in exchange for labor as companies/orders compete against each other for the labor they need which helps explain why the economic pie grows for everyone. Via the finance/banking system people are motivated to consume less than they produce thus increasing the amount of saved/unconsumed wealth which is then loaned/invested and placed under the control of minds that have superior ideas who can then consume such wealth as they produce and increase the economic pie by an amount greater than the prevailing interest rate. This gives a tremendous sort of ‘computational boost’ to the social order and also helps us understand how once Christendom relaxed its anti-usury restrictions it gained more benefits from finance/banking while the Islamic world kept its more cumbersome prohibitions on interest and thus remained further behind. Also, since Jews did not have to abide by Christendom’s anti-usury/interest laws they were inadvertently ‘naturally selected’ to be bankers/financers for which the economically ignorant masses would later scorn them. Historian Paul Johnson writes:
“The Jews reacted by engaging in the one business where Christian laws actually discriminated in their favour, and so became identified with the hated trade of moneylending. Rabbi Joseph Colon, who knew both France and Italy in the second half of the fifteenth century, wrote that the Jews of both countries hardly engaged in any other profession” (Johnson, Paul. (1988). A History of the Jews. , p. 174)
It is vitally important that we put the blame on our socioeconommic troubles, including Jew/Gentile relations and its numerous repercussions(Zionism and all that is related), on economic ignorance.
We should also note that governments via their central banks creating money or fake savings/‘credit expansion’ does NOT increase the amount of real tangible previously saved/unconsumed wealth that businesses must consume as they go about production, this just leads to higher prices and businesses mistakenly attempting expansions for which there will not be enough wealth to complete, thus leading to the usual ‘booms and busts’ in the economy. As Ludwig von Mises explains:
“Credit expansion cannot increase the supply of real goods. It merely brings about a rearrangement. It diverts capital investment away from the course prescribed by the state of economic wealth and market conditions. It causes production to pursue paths which it would not follow unless the economy were to acquire an increase in material goods. As a result, the upswing lacks a solid base. It is not real prosperity. It is illusory prosperity. It did not develop from an increase in economic wealth. Rather, it arose because the credit expansion created the illusion of such an increase. Sooner or later it must become apparent that this economic situation is built on sand.”(Mises L. v., 2006, p. 162)
Morals are simply ways of acting, they are knowledge which also emerges and spreads via economic competition. Companies/orders that hire/nourish/’trade with’ lazy, disrespectful, or corrupt people will be less competitive and be inevitably pressured/selected to hire people with better morals which in turn forces everyone to be respectful and hardworking regardless of race, sex, etc. As Hayek tells us:
“Competition is, after all, always a process in which a small number makes it necessary for larger numbers to do what they do not like, be it to work harder, to change habits, or to devote a degree of attention, continuous application, or regularity to their work which without competition would not be needed.”
As millions of people from all over the world came to America, it was ultimately the competition which grows from ‘private property’ and thus individual liberty/freedom which stripped these people of their otherwise nationalistic/ethnocentric/tribalistic identities and evolved what came to be seen as the classic American character/ethos of wanting to be seen as a reputable/honest businessman/professional who treats everyone with respect and wears a business suit as opposed to older religious/ethnocentric dress.
Thus freedom and resulting 'competitive knowledge discovery’, as opposed to leading to chaos/injustice is what 1) motivates the discovery and spread of superior information and resulting order/civilization, 2) shields us from being coerced into going along the plans of others, 3) Civilizes our morals/culture, and 4) Discovers THE TRUTH!!!
Coercion, besides forcing people to do something against their will, substitutes the superior information that arises from freedom and thus ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ for whatever the planners/experts/politicians mistakenly believe is needed. Government is a coercive and competition-immune growth whose regulations and bureaucracies paralyze/slow 'competitive knowledge discovery' and inevitably consumes more than it produces and should thus be kept to a minimum, otherwise, as the history of Socialist/Communist governments always shows, the socioeconomic order shrinks/dissolves into chaos. Knowing that 'private property’/freedom is the simple tradition that leads to a chain-reaction of incentives which generates and spreads the information that creates the social order, we can see that over thousands of years those tribes/societies whose customs/religions/myths inadvertently became more peaceful and thus less violent, extended peace/friendship/tolerance/trade to those outside the tribe, etc., in other words, those who tended to respect 'private property' and thus individual freedom and emerging business/capitalist culture more and more, would become more productive/advanced/powerful, and as they were 'naturally selected' relative to other groups, they would inadvertently spread the very customs/myths that allowed them to reach such relative heights. For example, when in the 1500s Martin Luther essentially preached that Christians could be saved through non-Church-dictated means, and that the Bible, not the Church was what really mattered, this change in Christian theology/mythology inadvertently broke the coercive/monopoly power of the Church, greatly increasing freedom and resulting ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ which helped the slightly smarter myth-following whiter-looking apes in Europe further stumble-upon Capitalism/free-markets which then took them to relative prominence. Did Martin know/plan this? No, his inadvertent contribution to the emergence of the free-market/Capitalist world was “indeed the result of human action, but not the execution of any human design". Thus the true sort of 'designer' of the so-called "free-market economy"/capitalism was our old friend 'natural selection’/competition acting on groups/cultures, inadvertently selecting those customs/ideologies/myths/concepts as if they were "fitter" genetic mutations. The fact that the market economy/order was 'designed' by an evolutionary process, NOT our "reason", helps us understand how we have inadvertently created this amazing Matrix or Social Organism with its complex microchips/Internet/Airplanes yet still be tribal slightly smarter apes who fooled by the growing complexity of the social order, history, biochemistry, environment, etc. are constantly coercing each other via massive competition-less/monopoly/governments led by "great leaders/theologians/experts/apes" who destroy our very freedom and resulting 'competitive knowledge discovery' that creates our civilization and end up propagating what is essentially mythology and inevitable wars/tyrannies/oppression. Just like natural selection evolved the respiratory, nervous, circulatory, etc. systems that allowed solitary cells to become parts of complex multi-cellular organisms, the same process has transformed tribal slightly smarter apes into a new ‘Social Organism’ yet the cells/people remain unaware of the process and how freedom, not ‘central planning’/coercion, is the key to order/prosperity. With this in mind, we continue to discuss the book.
Unfortunanately RFK jr’s lack of familiarity with the great economists of the so-called ‘Austrian School’ like Ludwig von Mises and Hayek, something he shares with Gates, underpins numerous errors with disastrous repercussions. He writes:
"Every student of African history is familiar with the recurring theme of well-intentioned white men visiting calamity on Africans. My interest in Africa began as a child. I have traveled the continent for six decades and met some of its most visionary leaders, including Tom Mboya, Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere, and Nelson Mandela. These anticolonial leaders understood that poverty is a complex conspiracy of social, historical, political, institutional, and technical maladies. It is most often best addressed through small-scale, locally tailored, trial-and-error experimentation. The optimal solutions are invariably homegrown with regular local input, disciplined self-assessment, accountability, frequent course corrections, and lots of humility by administrators, officials, and above all foreigners."
Some of these “visionary leaders” like Nyerere and Mandela were hard-core Communists, people who with the best of intentions nationalized/coerced/monopolized much of their economies leading to immense suffering and lack of progress. For example, regarding Nyerere the wiki mentions:
“Nyerere placed a growing emphasis on national self-reliance and socialism. Although his socialism differed from that promoted by Marxism–Leninism, Tanzania developed close links with Mao Zedong's Marxist-governed China. In 1967, Nyerere issued the Arusha Declaration which outlined his vision of ujamaa. Banks and other major industries and companies were nationalised; education and healthcare were significantly expanded. Renewed emphasis was placed on agricultural development through the formation of communal farms, although these reforms hampered food production and left areas dependent on food aid.”
In a statement at the beginning of the trial that would send him to jail for 27 years for conspiring to overthrow the government and replace it with Soviet/Chinese-style Communism, Nelson Mandela said:
“We all accept the need for some form of socialism to enable our people to catch up with the advanced countries of this world and to overcome their legacy of extreme poverty...I should tie myself to no particular system of society other than of socialism.”
There is nothing “complex” about poverty. Poverty has been the norm for post-agricultural man until he inadvertently stumbled upon the necessary socioeconomic institutions needed for a smoothly-running global-capitalism, in other words, freedom, respect for property rights, allowing people/businesses to produce and keep as much as possible so that the same better informed brains in the competitive/free/innovative private sector can continue to rapidly reorder mankind. Poverty in today’s world is 100% the result of economic ignorance by the masses/intellectuals who believe in various myths that lead to disastrous central planning as much as Fauci and mainstream medicine believes in biochemical myths leading to our bullshit vaccines, plant-based crap, disastrous HIV->death myths, CovidMania and more.
The information on the eugenics movements of the late 1800s early 1900s was good but it should be stressed that the eugenics movement is also rooted in economic ignorance. The eugenicists, many with the best of intentions, believed numerous myths which had them believing that somehow improving the biology of man was important for progress. Some surely mistook the relative progress of whites compared to other groups and mistakenly believed that some biological differences played an important role. They did not understand that what creates civilization is the free-market/’competitive knowledge discovery’/Capitalism which has little to do with whatever miniscule biological differences exist among human populations. The famous night-time north/south Korea satellite image easily shows this. The pasty white Russians with their hordes of atheistic Scientists/Faucis destroyed/tyrannized themselves while Bible-thumping Americans of all sorts respected private property, hard-work, ‘the customer is always right’, and the resulting ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ led them to crush the Russians/Chinese/Socialists in every way. Parts of the book somewhat imply that Gates could be one of these rather cruel/racist eugenicists which I don’t think is the case. However it is important to be aware of the increasingly obvious fact that the economic ignorance of many of the world’s leading scientists has them deeply concerned about population growth and many want calamities that kill off billions of people and it is a matter of time before some actually try this. Whether CovidMania and resulting lockdowns/restrictions/control is already such an attempt as some believe, I doubt it, but such a thing is inevitable as an increasing number of people see mankind as some kind of selfish-killer-negligent species. Although not in the book I offer the following quotes from top scientists:
David Foreman, founder of Earth First!: "Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and environmental."
Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University population biologist, author of “The Population Bomb” RFK jr writes “whom Gates describes as ‘the world’s most prominent environmental Cassandra,” meaning a prophet who accurately predicts misfortune or disaster”” mentioned : "We’re at 6 billion people on the Earth, and that’s roughly three times what the planet should have. About 2 billion is optimal."
Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund: "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels."
Ted Turner, CNN founder, UN supporter, and environmentalist: "A total population of 250–300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "I got the impression that instead of going out to shoot birds, I should go out and shoot the kids who shoot birds."
Bill Gates has not mentioned something as malicious but like most economically clueless intellectuals he too feels like we are overpopulated and must take action:
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion...we could lower that by perhaps ten or 15 percent."
RFK jr makes it clear that he actually agrees with Gates on climate change and mankind being overpopulated and how that is a problem that needs to be addressed but he feels like Gates is potentially going about it the wrong way ‘including by the deceptive use of dangerous sterility vaccines’, which again, perhaps mistakenly assumes a certain malice that Gates may not really have and can be a problematic assumption. He writes:
"By the way, I share Gates’s fear that if humanity persists in juxtaposing exponential population expansion atop linear resource growth, we will all land in a nightmarish Malthusian dystopia. I’m troubled, however, by his apparent comfort in using coercive and mendacious tactics to trick poor people into dangerous and unwanted contraceptive programs. The proven paths to zero population growth are the mitigation of poverty and empowerment of women. Women with alternative career opportunities seldom choose the heavy and hazardous burden of serial maternity. Virtually every nation with a stable middle class has fertility below replacement rates. But Gates’s careless public statements and the programs that he habitually funds suggest that Gates has involved himself in sketchy stealth campaigns to sterilize dark-skinned and marginalized women without their informed consent—including by the deceptive use of dangerous sterility vaccines."
The fear of overpopulation is an intellectual error on RFK jr’s part which actually can be used to portray Gates, and the increasing number of scientists/public that actually want to forcibly/draconian-ly reduce world population as heroes. To anyone who has the proper understanding of economics there is 0 overpopulation problem, and in fact increases in population improve the world-wide division of labor and rate at which we accelerate ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ which makes ‘discovering’ ANYTHING, including to what degree and how to remedy any potential environmental/climate issues, much easier/faster. As Hayek writes:
"the greater density of population, leading to the discovery of opportunities for specialisation, or division of labour, led to yet further increases of population and per capita income that made possible another increase in the population. And so on."
Notice how the poorest people in advanced countries can easily afford amazing smartphones and Internet thanks to the LACK of government regulation/involvement in the IT industry. Teenagers don’t need a license to write software, or be forced to go to some AMA-like schools where they are taught monopolized/’competition-immune’ information as happens in the Medical industry. It should be easy to see that the entire CovidMania and all medical tyranny/bullshit we are dealing with is the result of the LACK of ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ and centralized/coercive decision-making-information in the medical sector. If we could deregulate and allow the private(competitive) sector to keep the 30-50% of wealth that is sent to massive governments, technological progress and prosperity would skyrocket and there would be 0 fearmongering about population, or environment, or climate, or health.
Notice how there is no worry about “Public Internet Access” yet everyone has it and we have “Public Health” and it is a disaster that is currently paralyzing/destroying civilization via CovidMania and also bankrupting everyone via astronomical costs. “Public” anything just means a massive competition-immune cancerous growth which the economically ignorant yet well-intentioned masses/bureaucrats always fall for.
This also relates to RFK jr’s discussion on Gates and Africa. RFK jr does a superb job of showing how Gates’ money sucks research and funds away from investment in clean water, sanitation, etc. into bullshit pharma vaccines/drugs and how Africans are treated as guinea pigs for tests/trials that would never be attempted in the white/wealthier world. That was awesome and eye-opening in countless ways. But RFK jr does NOT recommend real Capitalism/free-markets as the solution to Africa’s problems, instead he lamented how the IMF’s austerity measures bankrupted “most of Africa’s new nationalist governments” and their public (competition-immune-wasteful) health bureaucracies. No mention of the fact that most of these “nationalist governments” were run by the above-mentioned well-intentioned yet economically clueless people who ended up falling for Socialist/Communist policies that inevitably kept Africa desperately poor and thus easy prey for the USA’s Big Pharma disasters RFK jr masterfully describes. If Africa had low taxes/regulations it would have had a large private/competitive sector, lured foreign investment/skill/etc. just as happened with the famed Asian Tigers. Instead it got the usual liberal/left anti-capitalist fallacies and inevitable misery/chaos.
If we had a real free-market in medicine, insurance companies would be the ones keeping an eye out for any conditions or whatever that can cause disease and motivating/incentivising people to act accordingly to keep the costs of treatment low thus minimizing their costs and maximizing their profits. Instead we get economically clueless “experts” attempting to coerce entire countries and the world via the WHO into their competition-immune-and-eventually-corrupt-and-negligent-as-fuck mythical bullshit.
Towards the end of the book RFK jr nicely brings up the increasingly relevant debate between germ theory and terrain theory. Are most diseases caused by germs or due to biochemical breakdowns/imbalances mostly due to improper nutrition and/or environmental toxins? It is appearing more and more that the latter is correct which is causing a Coppernican-like intellectual revolution. When it comes to the diseases we attributed vaccination as being the saviour, the great Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk painstakingly detail in their amazing book ‘Dissolving Illusions’ that such “diseases” were caused by the horrible nutrition and environmental toxicity of the cities at the time. As public sanitation and nutrition improved due to freedom/Capitalism/’competitive knowledge discovery’, the chemical imbalances/diseases went away on their own. Yet the myth of vaccination was credited/endured. Now, what is preventing this information from spreading? A conspiracy of bad guys? Or the lack of freedom/ ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ that has arisen as the economically ignorant masses/experts/politicians increase their central planning/regulating of the medical sector allowing myths/errors/negligence/frauds to perpetuate? Although it is important to properly see how individual actors like the Rockefellers can often times influence things as RFK jr also nicely shows, it is vitally important to be aware/focus on the economic ignorance that then enables all the central planning which then prevents ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ and allows some really bad/negligent people to use the growing state/paralyzing apparatus for their purposes/myths/etc.
Another thing I’m a little surprised that was not discussed in the book except briefly brought up in a quote by the awesome/heroic Celia Ingrid Farber was a proper comparison of Fauci with the former Soviet Union’s Trofim Lysenko. RFK jr quotes Farber, her quote :
“I’ve been interviewing scientists for a long time in this country, and let me tell you something. There are two kinds: Those who are serfs of Anthony Fauci and those who are genuine scientists. The serf class will refract whatever the latest Lysenkoism is from Fauci and NIAID. The are protecting their grants,” ….”The latter [genuine scientists] are the minority. They look, sound, and behave like scientists. And to varying degrees, they all live in a acclimate of both economic and reputational persecution. Peter Duesberg is one very famous example but there are others. Fauci’s vendetta system has many ways of crushing the natural scientific impulse--to question and to demand proof. Breathtakingly, because of Fauci’s impact since 1984, this tradition has been all but snuffed out in the US. ‘Everybody is afraid.’ How many times have I heard that line?”
The Soviet Union's rule by competition-immune "monopoly of experts/scientists" had disastrous consequences for scientific research as well. We are fooled into believing that it is "scientists" that make our wonderful innovations, but it is not "scientists" per se, but competition which requires freedom of course, something the Soviet Union lacked leading to massive competition-immune bureaucracies that evolved to fight change/discoveries and warp science/research in political/ideological ways. JUST LIKE WE HAVE WITH THE COMPETITION-IMMUNE CDC/NIAID/AMA. A particularly disastrous "scientist" who rose to the top in the 1930s was Trofim Lysenko who led a campaign against the growing field of genetics, had many other scientists/critics persecuted/killed and whose competition-immune theories related to farming led to millions of deaths via crop failures both in Russia, and later in China helping lead to the Great Chinese Famine which claimed 15-55 million lives.. Being a favorite of Stalin and also on good terms with his successor Nikita Khrushchev it wasn't until Khrushchev's downfall in 1963 that Lysenko was thoroughly discredited. From his wiki:
"In 1964, physicist Andrei Sakharov spoke out against Lysenko in the General Assembly of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR: "He is responsible for the shameful backwardness of Soviet biology and of genetics in particular, for the dissemination of pseudo-scientific views, for adventurism, for the degradation of learning, and for the defamation, firing, arrest, even death, of many genuine scientists.""
Since the Soviet Union had 0 ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ it quickly got a total political hack/ideologue/ape while in the USSA the evolution of our Fauci/Lysenko was more subtle/convoluted/slower/complex. But it is vitally important to understand that both are simply the result of the lack of ‘competitive knowledge discovery’..i.e., freedom, which is itself due to the economic ignorance of the masses, which is due to the fact that capitalism/free-market, just like the respiratory/nervous/digestive systems that allow cells to be part of multicellular organisms, was designed by en evolutionary process NOT the cells or people.
The above discussion also relates to the book’s title or part like “Global War on Democracy and Public Health” I think it mistakenly captures the essence of what is going on. Perhaps this is just clever marketing, but it is important to realize that what is going on is not a war… In a war you have some people with a clear purpose to destroy something and what we have is obviously more nuanced. I like the following expression, “wherever there is complexity there is mythology” and the complexity of the biochemical order has allowed for a sort of priesthood to evolve similar to how man’s ignorance of the evolution of the social order/language/etc. led to religious mythology and accompanying religious structures with various level of true belief just like we have today regarding medicines/vaccines/etc. The complexity of the economy has likewise fooled mankind into the myths of total central planning/Socialism, and currently the myth that Central Banks and their monetary interventions are needed to smoothly coordinate the social order (Keynesian econobullshit). Mathematicobabble bullshit allows the slightly smarter apes to fool themselves will all kinds of bullshit predictions in both epidemiology and economics. RFK jr already does a great job of using the priesthood analogy, I just think it could have been better applied regarding the title. When we look at people who are today’s leaders in criticizing medical dogma, people like the amazing Dr. Suzanne Humphries regarding vaccines, or Timothy Noaks regarding low-carb/high-fat, we see people who for decades believed the myths of the time and propagated the harm/”war” without realizing they were part of it. Again, I think it is a bit of an error to refer to this as a war, Gates and Fauci I’m guessing are fine with democracy, they just feel like certain things need to be outside democracy so their wisdom can plan our increasingly complex world. In the book RFK jr at times rightly portrays Fauci/Gates as simply negligent ideologues which I think is the proper focus, and again, this does not lend itself to the “war” analogy. It would be a mistake to refer to the popes of the 1400/1500s as launching a war on our freedoms since they were the draconian executioners of the myths of the time and had their own perverse incentives similarly to what we have now with the growing Scientism and Global Coercive Planning state. The same could be said about the Bolshevik revolution... Lenin, Mao, Stalin were simply the executioners of increasingly popular myths where many people, including countless well-intentioned “experts” like Einstein who went along with Socialism/’Central Planning’. RFK jr nicely uses the priesthood analogy often, but again, I just think that the title should have been different.
I’d like to finish this somewhat disjointed review with some quotes from the monumental intellectual giants who already dealt with the growing tyranny/ignorance of the 20th century and who are the key to saving us again. Ludwig von Mises and F.A. Hayek.
It is disastrous to make this about good vs evil .. Or the nice and sane vs. the psychopaths. We are mostly fighting what arises out of massive economic ignorance. Mises explains:
“The problems involved are purely intellectual and must be dealt with as such. It is disastrous to shift them to the moral sphere and to dispose of supporters of opposite ideologies by calling them villains. It is vain to insist that what we are aiming at is good and what our adversaries want is bad. The question to be solved is precisely what is to be considered as good and what as bad. The rigid dogmatism peculiar to religious groups and to Marxism results only in irreconcilable conflict. It condemns beforehand all dissenters as evildoers, it calls into question their good faith, it asks them to surrender unconditionally. No social cooperation is possible where such an attitude prevails. No better is the propensity, very popular nowadays, to brand supporters of other ideologies as lunatics. Psychiatrists are vague in drawing a line between sanity and insanity. It would be preposterous for laymen to interfere with this fundamental issue of psychiatry. However, it is clear that if the mere fact that a man shares erroneous views and acts according to his errors qualifies him as mentally disabled, it would be very hard to discover an individual to which the epithet sane or normal could be attributed. Then we are bound to call the past generations lunatic because their ideas about the problems of the natural sciences and concomitantly their techniques differed from ours. Coming generations will call us lunatics for the same reason. Man is liable to error. If to err were the characteristic feature of mental disability, then everybody should be called mentally disabled."
Again, the problem is not people or any one person or even group of them. Fauci/Gates/Klaus and the World Economic Forum and the hordes of clueless politicians and CEOs going along with all the global central planning bullshit-myths are just the priesthood of central planners that was as bound to emerge just like Lenin and the countless like-minded slightly smarter apes have done.. All due to the ignorance/tribalism of the masses and experts.
"It is necessary to realize that the sources of many of the most harmful agents in this world are often not evil men but high-minded idealists, and that in particular the foundations of totalitarian barbarism have been laid by honourable and well-meaning scholars who never recognized the offspring they produced." (Hayek F. A., 1973, p. 70)
"Most people are still unwilling to face the most alarming lesson of modern history: that the greatest crimes of our time have been committed by governments that had the enthusiastic support of millions of people who were guided by moral impulses. It is simply not true that Hitler or Mussolini, Lenin or Stalin, appealed only to the worst instincts of their people: they also appealed to some of the feelings which also dominate contemporary democracies." (Hayek)
The centuries of slavery, religious slaughters, persecution of minorities, and all man-made calamities were obviously the result, not of mythical "evil" or "madness", but of the myths/ideas held by the slightly smarter apes at the time, and as long as the masses remain lost in erroneous mythology, democracy obviously does little good. Hayek:
"Perhaps the fact that we have seen millions voting themselves into complete dependence on a tyrant has made our generation understand that to choose one's government is not necessarily to secure freedom."
These important factors need to be kept in mind so that, as criminally negligent as Fauci and Gates can easily be shown to be, that we also just see them as signs of our times and hopefully we can avoid an us vs. them civil war or police state that is obviously materializing.
Anyway… Mises again:
“If we want to avoid the destruction of Western civilization and the relapse into primitive wretchedness, we must change the mentality of our fellow citizens. We must make them realize what they owe to the much vilified "economic freedom," the system of free enterprise and capitalism. The intellectuals and those who call themselves educated must use their superior cognitive faculties and power of reasoning for the refutation of erroneous ideas about social, political and economic problems and for the dissemination of a correct grasp of the operation of the market economy. They must start by familiarizing themselves with all the issues involved in order to teach those who are blinded by ignorance and emotions. They must learn in order to acquire the ability to enlighten the misguided many. It is a fateful error on the part of our most valuable contemporaries to believe that economics can be left to specialists in the same way in which various fields of technology can be safely left to those who have chosen to make any one of them their vocation. The issues of society’s economic organization are every citizen’s business. To master them to the best of one’s ability is the duty of everyone.”
The economic ignorance leads to errors and even personalities which repeat themselves. Bill Gates is essentially a new Albert Einstein(Socialist), a smart person who achieved a lot in a particular field, but whose economic ignorance is a recipe for the destruction of civilization. To my knowledge Bill Gates has NEVER mentioned Ludwig von Mises or F.A. Hayek so he simply does not have the slightest clue how the world really works and thus inevitably, with the best of intentions/negligence/arrogance or whatever the combination of factors might be, he becomes a coercive 'Central Planner'/Totalitarian/Socialist (in this regard). Mises easily predicted their personalities and inevitable totalitarian aims:
"The outstanding fact about the contemporary ideological situation is that the most popular political doctrines aim at totalitarianism, the thorough abolition of the individual's freedom to choose and to act. No less remarkable is the fact that the most bigoted advocates of such a system of conformity call themselves scientists, logicians, and philosophers."
As Hayek mentions: "If socialists understood economics they wouldn't be socialists."
People like Fauci, Gates, World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab and that increasing number of like-minded 'single-minded idealists' who have invested so much of their lives and gain so much satisfaction from feeling like their central plans are so beneficial or vital for mankind, just like with Lenin and the Socialist/Communists, are often the most dangerous and detached from the immense suffering and tyranny they are causing. Hayek explains:
“The movement for planning owes its present strength largely to the fact that, while planning is in the main still an ambition, it unites almost all the single-minded idealists, all the men and women who have devoted their lives to a single task. The hopes they place in planning, however, are the result not of a comprehensive view of society but rather of a very limited view and often the result of a great exaggeration of the importance of the ends they place foremost. This is not to underrate the great pragmatic value of this type of men in a free society like ours, which makes them the subject of just admiration. But it would make the very men who are most anxious to plan society the most dangerous if they were allowed to do so—and the most intolerant of the planning of others. From the saintly and single-minded idealist to the fanatic is often but a step.”
Thus to summarize. Amazing book, desperatelly needed, get it, read it, tell all friends/family to do likewise. But be aware of the fact that the book ultimately mistakenly places the blame on people like Fauci/Gates instead of on the deeper real causes, the massive economic ignorance of the public that leads to the coercive-competition-immune cancerous central-planning/regulating/AMA/CDC/NIAID bureucracies that are what always destroy the social order.
I’ll conclude with Hazlitt:
“A minority is in a very awkward position. The individuals in it can’t afford to be just as good as the individuals in the majority. If they hope to convert the majority they have to be much better; and the smaller the minority, the better they have to be. They have to think better. They have to know more. They have to write better. They have to have better controversial manners. Above all, they have to have far more courage. And they have to be infinitely patient.”
Suggested reading:
Easy: “Economics In One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt
Easy: “Economic Freedom and Interventionism” by Ludwig von Mises
Arguably one of the most important economics papers ever written, Medium:
“The Use of Knowledge in Society” by F.A. Hayek
Easy but very advanced, already assumes understanding of economics: