Reply to: Walter Russel Mead’s “Hamas’s Oct. 7 Attack Made Israel Stronger” by Jorge Besada

17 min readDec 13, 2023


A friend recently sent me the article in title and I wanted to publish these thoughts that came to mind as I read it. It is a great article that nicely captures all the fallacies which just like with the Communists, led many bright and well intentioned people (the Zionists) to disaster.

The article mentions:

“Israel is more united, its citizens are more determined to fight for their state, and Jews around the world have renewed their commitment to the Zionist cause.”

True, the Zionist fallacies are uniting Zionists with the same fervor and sense of unity that the Bolshevik mobs must have had during its Lenin-led most ideologically-fervent and draconian phase of 1918–1922. The Communists-Bolsheviks believed that the path to prosperity was coercive central planning by “experts”. They were economically ignorant but well intentioned and fooled by misguided ideologues like Karl Marx, and were thoroughly convinced of the moral superiority of their cause. It was obvious to them that a businessman making a profit from workers was a greedy, selfish, exploitative and immoral person-act. Capitalists and property owners that did not want to contribute-share with the central planning authorities were criminals and to be punished and killed. They saw the Church as irrational due to unproven religious beliefs, and as enablers of the Capitalist exploitation via their defense of freedom which just allowed the greedy evil capitalists to do their thing. Thus the Communists, in a fit of righteous moral indignation also attacked the church-religion. In the period between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox Churches in the Soviet Union fell from 29,584 to less than 500. The Soviet Union’s anti-religion purges were equal-opportunity, in 1917 there were over 20,000 Islamic mosques in the Soviet Union, by 1935 there would be less than 60. These Socialist fallacies-myths quickly spread and destroyed million of lives. Let’s briefly quote Hayek:

”It is necessary to realize that the sources of many of the most harmful agents in this world are often not evil men but high-minded idealists, and that in particular the foundations of totalitarian barbarism have been laid by honourable and well-meaning scholars who never recognized the offspring they produced.” (Hayek F. A., 1973, p. 70)

Hayek again:

”Most people are still unwilling to face the most alarming lesson of modern history: that the greatest crimes of our time have been committed by governments that had the enthusiastic support of millions of people who were guided by moral impulses. It is simply not true that Hitler or Mussolini, Lenin or Stalin, appealed only to the worst instincts of their people: they also appealed to some of the feelings which also dominate contemporary democracies.” (Hayek F. A., 1976, p. 134)

People simply did not learn in time that prosperity comes, not via central economic planning by “experts”, but by respect for the tradition of private property, freedom, and emerging “freedom to trade” which inadvertently turns the entire planet into a super-computer where companies are motivated to innovate and copy each other’s (competitors) innovations thus constantly reordering society into more productive and prosperous states. They were economically ignorant. That’s all. Neither dumb, nor evil, just fooled by myths (‘a widely held but false belief or idea’).

Zionism and the Zionists are just a repeat of Bolshevism-Communism. Instead of realizing that freedom and real capitalism was the key to prosperity(which hardly anyone understood in the late 1800s). The Zionists believed that having their own state was the key to prosperity. They just made a mistake, that’s all. Just like the Bolsheviks were thoroughly convinced that it was good and necessary to kill the property owners-kulaks-capitalists, so do the Zionists feel like it is justified to kill and coerce and silence the poorly educated who say antisemitic things and also feel like Zionism was a bad idea or illegitimate.

Walter writes regarding Theodor Herzl:

“He was driven to embrace his Jewish identity and the idea of Zionism by the realization that the irrational evil of Jew-hatred was an ineradicable force in modern Europe.”

The above quote is all one needs to see how most Zionist intellectuals are totally clueless and extremely dangerous, just like the Bolshevik supporting intellectuals. Anyone with a basic Darwinian understanding of the world can easily realize that whether people do good or bad things comes down to a complex set of ideas and circumstances which leads fellow homo sapiens to act. Religions are essentially complex culturally-evolved software that help sustain the order of various groups of fellow homo sapiens. Whether one homo sapiens grows up to “identify as” a Jew or a Christian or a Muslim, or a Russian or an American, it all comes down to having parents and other surrounding homo sapiens inadvertently program you with such an “identity”. These “identities” are evolved and NOT designed. It is as erroneous to say that Jews “invented” Judaism, as it is to say that Germans invented the German language. It is also an error to say that the Catholic Church in the 1400s was a ‘conspiracy’ of Popes and clergy to control the masses. Sadly naïve thinkers who have no familiarity with the evolution of culture understandably see ‘conspiracy’ everywhere, which is obviously prevalent among so-called ‘anti-Semites’ who naively confuse inadvertent Jewish influence emerging from complex evolutionary factors with sinister conspiracies. The words “irrational evil” may be suitable for a religious sermon, but certainly NOT for a modern post-Darwin intellectual. Antisemitism is a very understandable intellectual error, not some “irrational evil”. Countless thoughtful intellectuals have written brilliantly about Jew-Gentile misunderstandings and antisemitism free of any absurd “irrational evil”. “The Jewish Century” by Yuri Slezkine and “A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora Peoples” by Kevin MacDonald are two excellent ones. And of course, my own “A Hayekian Worldview: Natural Selection and the Evolution of Life, Society, the Economic Crisis, Hip-Hop, and F.A. Hayek’s Coming Intellectual Revolution” . Walter further expands on the mythical nonsense mentioning “an ineradicable force”. Again, suitable for a deeply misguided and traumatized people looking for unity ahead of some major tribal war-slaughter-upheaval as homo sapiens has been doing for hundreds of thousands of years, but certainly NOT for a post-Darwin intellectual dealing with a complex market oriented economy which has the planet littered with nukes trying to overcome complex fallacies. All pro-Zionism “intellectuals” are essentially pro-Communism intellectuals, same fallacies at the core, just different “ism”-manifestation.

Walter again:

“Jews in liberal Western countries initially scoffed at Herzl’s Zionism”

Yes! Yes! This is vital information! Thank you Walter! Most Jews in the late 1800s thought Zionism was a bad idea and were against it. The rabbinical establishment in Munich, Germany, where Herzl wanted to hold the First Zionist Congress, strongly rejected the idea so the meeting was moved to Basle Switzerland(29–31st/8/1897). They told him :

“…how can one speak with people who on the one hand are fanatics regarding Jewish nationhood and, on the other hand, complain that the Austrian government required a baptismal certificate from the candidate for the position of secretary of Bukowina. If the Austrian Jews support the efforts of the Zionists, then they should not complain that they are treated by the government like foreigners and are barred from public office. *We, however, can say to our fellow countrymen with complete conviction that we comprise a separate community solely with respect to religion. Regarding nationality, we feel totally at one with our fellow Germans and therefore strive towards the realization of the spiritual and moral goals of our dear fatherland with an enthusiasm equaling theirs…*.Eighteen hundred years ago, history made its decision regarding Jewish nationhood through the dissolution of the Jewish State and the destruction of the Temple.”

This makes perfect sense. German, Polish, Russian, Spanish Jews spoke German, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and for centuries their identities had evolved in those locations where their Synagogues had been built and they made real tangible contributions to the evolution of Western Civilization. Until the last couple of centuries most people had never even seen a map and their “identities” were tied, not to a nation, but to a local town or village. The cultural concept of a ‘Nation’ as we currently treat it, did not generally arise until maps, better communication, faster transportation, etc. allowed our more local-tribal ‘identities’ to be expanded to now include much larger groups. This of course has led to bigger and bigger tribalistic National and then World Wars.

During the early days of Zionism, many Jews were divided into the Zionists and anti-Zionists (“assimilationists”). Chaim Weizmann, the leading Zionist figure after Herzl’s death in 1904, lamented how “assimilated Jews” were “dead against Zionism” and identified Zionism (correctly IMHO) as “a primitive tribalism”:

”For assimilated Jews…They looked upon it…as a primitive tribalism. They felt themselves…called upon to “rescue” Judaism from Zionism…these people are dead against Zionism…Zionism is not meant for those people who have cut themselves adrift from Jewry…”

Of course! That rapidly increasing number of very well educated cosmopolitan “assimilated Jews” spread all over Europe-USA just wanted to be fellow human beings or equal world citizens free of ancient tribalisms-mysticisms-identities. Unfortunately, for very understandable reasons-factors for which nobody is to blame and are ultimately rooted in economic ignorance, like a rocket that is just about to reach orbit but runs out of fuel and comes crashing down to earth, Zionism would inadvertently pull ‘Jewish Identity’ and all of Western Civilization back to an increasingly ethnocentric identity-worldview with disastrous consequences, like the 1948 sorta civil war where the Zionists did not allow over 700,000 Palestinians to return to their homes-property after the fighting had ended. Among the understandably traumatized and angry Palestinians many would say antisemitic things and take up armed resistance towards the Jewish occupation of their property. The mostly secular “civilized” perfect-English speaking, highly educated white European Ashkenazi jews could easily point the finger at these “radical” darker skinned Muslims to further strengthen their Zionist fallacies, which further reinforced in their mind how superior they were intellectually, culturally and morally, and how necessary it was for them to live apart, and how this was some ‘clash of civilizations’. In the war of 1967 the Israelis further expelled another 300,000 Arabs, and today via the Israeli-Hamas war, it is even more obvious to the Israelis (modern Bolsheviks) and their fellow white Zionized American politicians and Christians that the destruction of the dwellings-property of currently about a million Gazans is necessary, and that they have no choice, not only for their own safety, but for the economic well being of Gazans, that they be totally removed-expelled-transferred further away. The Communists were fighting Catholicism, but since Catholics who didn’t understand the economic fallacies of the Communists could only attack the Communists based on moral grounds by calling them evil-malicious, this sadly didn’t work because this didn’t help Communists overcome the economic fallacies and mistakenly accused them of having sinister motives which they didn’t, so the Communists slaughtered them. A similar thing happens here. Many traumatized Palestinians and Muslims, understandably say antisemitic things about Jews, some with religious arguments, etc. Many understandably see the Zionists as purely malicious instead of, as with the Communists, deeply misguided peoples. So the patterns repeat. Just because many people critical of Zionism and Jews may be “antisemites” it still does not change the fact that Zionism, as with Communism, was and remains a monumental intellectual error.

Walter again:

“In perhaps the greatest instance of Jew-haters shooting themselves in the foot, vindictive Middle Eastern mobs and governments forced some 850,000 Jews to flee to Israel in the aftermath of its War of Independence. Those immigrants and their descendants feel no guilt for Palestinian dispossession and are skeptical of Arab intentions.”

Yes. But this was done as a reaction to the Zionist fallacies and massive act of theft and tyranny that led to the creation of Israel via the expulsion of 700,000+ people and preventing them from returning home after the sorta civil war in 1948 ended. There is just no getting around it, the early Zionists hardly gave a damn about how so many were opposed to their plans. Why, why do we all admit that the British during the day were imperialist Europeans who hardly cared about the views of non-whites, yet somehow we are supposed to feel like these Jewish white Europeans were somehow different? C’mon. The British imperialists were understandably WRONG! And so were the Zionists. The imperialist attitude of the British-Europeans regarding helping their fellow white Jews is perfectly captured by former Prime Minister Lord Balfour who said at the time:

“I am quite unable to see why Heaven or any other Power should object to our telling the Moslem what he ought to think.”


For in Palestine we do not propose to even go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country though the American [King-Crane] Commission is going through the form of asking what they are. The Four Great Powers [Britain, France, Italy and the United States] are committed to Zionism. And Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, and future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.”

Let’s quote Ben Gurion:

“With compulsory transfer we [would] have a vast area [for settlement]….I support compulsory transfer. I don’t see anything immoral in it.” (Morris, 1999, p. 144)

On the 6th of February 1948, during a Mapai Party Council, someone mentioned that “we have no land there” while referring to some lands west of Jerusalem, to which Ben Gurion replied:

“The war will give us the land. The concepts of “ours” and “not ours” are only concepts for peacetime, and during war they lose their meaning” –Ben-Gurion’s War Diary, Vol. 1, entry dated 6 February 1948. p.211

Ben-Gurion also mentioned in his diary:

“The compulsory transfer of the Arabs… could give us something which we never had…This is national consolidation in an independent homeland.” (Morris, 2004, p. 47)

And also declared at a congressional meeting:

“Transfer is what will make possible a comprehensive settlement program. Thankfully, the Arab people have vast empty areas. Jewish power, which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out transfer on a large scale.” (Morris, 2004, p. 48)

Hello McFly! It is ridiculously obvious that it was Zionism and its continuing need to cause monumental injustices that is the source of the chaos. Actually, no, I made a mistake, it was the complex co-evolution of our Abrahamic faiths which has led to understandable errors leading to conflict for which no one is to blame. Again, there is no one to blame. Antisemitsm is an understandable intellectual error which needs to be overcome via intellectual means, not ‘hate speech’ laws. And Zionism and resulting Israeli state is also a monumental error which needs to overcome as well via a well-designed One State Solution and many other vital intellectual efforts. Also when Walter mentions “Those immigrants and their descendants feel no guilt for Palestinian dispossession” .. again, how sad, yet understandable, the Jews understandably hardly give a fuck about fellow human beings being slaughtered and suffering under the rubble in Gaza. This is no different than the Communists as millions died under their policies. It is not some unique malice, it is just fellow homo sapiens fooled by erroneous ideology. It is ok, again, we are dangerous vicious slightly smarter apes. All of us, believe it or not, the fellow homo sapiens who have absorbed a ‘Jewish Identity’ are no different.


Nevertheless, their constant low-level threat led Israelis to develop the first-class defense and technology capabilities that make it an indispensable partner for countries all over the world.

Definitely, pound for pound, the fellow homo sapiens who have absorbed a Jewish or Zionist identity have contributed more to the creation of spying, suppression of speech, and technology to kill human beings than anyone else. No group of homo sapiens are so fooled into “us” vs. “them” than those who ‘Identify as Jews’. But again, this is not their fault. It is just as erroneous to “credit” the Jews for the Ten Commandments and our Abrahamic faiths which regardless of the mysticism and religious tyranny and slaughters of the past is what got us thus far and we should all be sorta thankful, as it is to “blame” Jewish identity for its overrepresentation in the disastrous Communist movements and World War Two which was essentially a war to destroy the antisemitic Hitler. In a speech on December 3, 1942, in New York, leading Jew-Zionist Chaim Weizmann mentioned:

”We are not denying and are not afraid to confess that this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry… Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horses in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.”

I get it! Hitler was antisemitic! I get it! But antisemitism is an intellectual error. Having a World War that kills 80+ million people where we united with Stalin and then spread Communism to most of the planet to get rid of antisemitism, was a bad idea! And right now, the fellow homo sapiens who ‘Identify as Jews’ are once again ‘the moral energy’ that keeps the disastrous Zionist error and related polarizations going and is accelerating the coming of the Final World War and total destruction of freedom of speech as they are pushing to destroy the US’s First Amendment and make it hate speech to be against Zionism. Again, in general, “The Jews”, are as ignorant of economics, history, and the vital need for freedom of speech as all the other homo sapiens, they are a tribalistic mob like most others. On Dec. 7th, 2023 during a presidential debate, cookie-cutter Zionized American presidential candidate Nikki Haley mentioned that “We really do need to ban tiktok once and for all…For every thirty minutes that someone watches tiktok everyday, they become 17% more antisemitic.” On Nov. 30th, 2023 the US House of Representatives passed a resolution stating “that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism”. So sad and scary. Centuries of scholarship, of legal evolution, of freedom of speech, all out the window so that an increasingly Zionized democratic mob of violent slightly smarter apes that have no understanding of the vital role that freedom of speech and emerging ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ plays can self-mutilate in a sort of modern Bolshevik-like revolution or witch hunt. Just like Bolshevism totally destroyed thoughtful Russian statesmen in the Tzars government, so has Zionism turned most US politicians into the most simplistic-tribalist “good vs. evil” ideologues.

The Zionist Jews, just like the Russians and Chinese did with Socialism, increasingly tied their “identity” to a massive error and eventually reach the stage where we are today, where saying that Zionism and the resulting Israeli state as it currently functions and has been a massive error, essentially what most Jews in the late 1800s were wisely saying, is seen by many Jews today as antisemitic ‘hate speech’. CEO of the Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt has mentioned that “Anti-Zionism is antisemitism” and also that “Anti-Zionism is genocide”. The “Zionist identity” can very easily justify its worldview and actions by pointing the finger at the many conspiracy-minded naïve antisemites and traumatized Palestinians who say awful things about Jews. It is easy and somewhat intuitive to fall for Socialist economic myths, it is more difficult and somewhat counter-intuitive to understand the workings and evolution of the free market. The same pattern repeats here. Prior to and during the early days of the Bolshevik revolution many Communist ideologues were fervently for freedom of speech. They recalled being silenced by the Tsarist authorities, but little by little, the flawed ideology could only expand by force and criminalizing its foundational myths. It is the same with Zionism. As with Communism, this is NOT the result of some sinister malicious conspiracy by neither the Bolsheviks, nor Zionists, it is just a repeat of economically ignorant masses fooled by ideology-mythology.


The unspeakable barbarity of the Hamas attacks has again united and strengthened Israel while accomplishing nothing for the Palestinian people

What unspeakable barbarity? I have yet to see evidence of the 40 decapitated babies. OMG, hello McFly! And even if some Hamas fighters did wantonly kill or rape people… Big fucking deal! One traumatized and really angry homo sapiens killing and raping Jews is just the result of a complex environment where he has grown up and, again, any post-Darwin intellectual would easily focus on the ideas and environment that lead to such awful actions instead of this Crusader-days type of thinking. Just mind-blowing. The fellow homo sapiens who ‘identify as Jews’, like all the others, did plenty of looting and raping in 1948. As famed Israeli historian Benny Morris documents:

“About a dozen. In Acre, four soldiers raped a girl and murdered her and her father. In Jaffa, soldiers of the Kiryati Brigade raped one girl and tried to rape several more. At Hunin, which is in the Galilee, two girls were raped and then murdered. There were one or two cases of rape at Tantura, south of Haifa. There was one case of rape at Qula, in the center of the country. At the village of Abu Shusha, near Kibbutz Gezer [in the Ramle area] there were four female prisoners, one of whom was raped a number of times. And there were other cases. Usually more than one soldier was involved. Usually there were one or two Palestinian girls. In a large proportion of the cases the event ended with murder. Because neither the victims nor the rapists liked to report these events, we have to assume that the dozen cases of rape that were reported, which I found, are not the whole story. They are just the tip of the iceberg.”

Walter again:

The Jew-haters who overshadowed more peaceful and responsible demonstrators across U.S. streets and campuses have deeply damaged the Palestinian cause with centrist opinion. Such displays remind Americans that anti-Jewish bigotry and the ignorance it fosters threaten the foundations of American life.

Yes. Agreed, there are many naive Jew-haters. Most people lack the necessary understanding of history, cultural evolution, and other factors needed to see how the homo sapiens who “identify as Jews” have inadvertently caused so much suffering as an understandable reaction to antisemitism and countless complex factors, so they understandably make mistakes. But, again, this still does not justify Zionism and the current Bolshevik-like Israeli state and mindset of its politicians, masses, and supporters that are in a sense doubling-down on Lenin’s War Communism making things worse.


For all this, Israel’s worst enemies have only themselves to thank. The haters continue to build the Jewish state even as their barbarism frustrates the hopes of thoughtful Palestinians and those who wish them well.

Agreed. The naive antisemites and people who are rightly fed-up with Zionism and the monumental suffering it has caused keep fucking it up when they mistakenly criticize Zionism similar to how the Catholic church did. The Zionists, as with the Socialists, need to be treated with kid’s gloves and shown the errors they have made. We need to reach out to potential Zionist Gorbachevs who can admit they made monumental errors and help these people lead the rest. As with Socialist ideologues and the massive misguided Soviet State, you have millions of people who were wrong.

Consider the following three insightful quotes which succinctly capture why myths and popular dogmas like Communism and Zionism can take so long to change. Upton Sinclair mentions:

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

Economist Thomas Sowell tweeted that:

“People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right — especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong.”

And famed physicist Max Plank:

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.”

Please consider watching this 2 hour presentation for a better understanding of the above.




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