Socialism and Zionism: Two Ideologies which lured well-intentioned people to disaster.
Per my earlier article ‘Carl Menger’s Overlooked Vital Evolutionary Insights’, Menger and his intellectual descendants oftentimes referred to as ‘The Austrian School of Economics’ showed us how the socioeconomic order, or what Menger and Herbert Spencer cleverly referred to as the ‘Social Organism’, worked. And similar to how through an evolutionary process which led cells to create the respiratory, digestive, nervous, etc. systems that allowed them to cooperate in large multicellular organisms, homo sapiens has likewise through an evolutionary process created ‘the market process’ and its various parts like money, economic competition, finance-banking, etc. which led to the modern socioeconomic order-organism. Menger again:
“One needs, e.g., only to think of the phenomenon of money, an institution which to so great a measure serves the welfare of society, and yet in most nations, by far, is by no means the result of an agreement directed at its establishment as a social institution, or of positive legislation, but is the unintended product of historical development. One needs only to think of law, of language, of the origin of markets, the origin of communities and of states, etc.”
To the above list we can easily add our ideologies, religions, their respective “identities”, and their various misunderstandings leading to squabbles-wars.
Religions and culture are essentially complex evolved software that guide the actions that sustain the order of various groups of fellow homo sapiens. The tiniest bit of “reason” easily lets us know that whether one homo sapiens grows up to “identify as” a Jew or a Christian or a Muslim, or an American or a Russian, it all comes down to having parents and other surrounding homo sapiens inadvertently program you with such an “identity”-software. These “identities” are evolved and NOT designed. It is as erroneous to say that Jews “invented” Judaism, as it is to say that Germans invented the German language, or that the Catholic Church in the 1400s was a ‘conspiracy’ of Popes and clergy to control the masses. Unfortunately people who have no familiarity with the co-evolution of culture and the economy as provided by Menger and his ‘Austrians’ understandably see ‘conspiracy’ everywhere, which is prevalent among so-called ‘antisemites’ who naively confuse inadvertent Jewish-Identity influence emerging from complex evolutionary factors with malicious conspiracies. Let us next briefly apply Menger’s wisdom to understand the rise and fall of Socialist myths (‘widely held but false belief or idea’) as well as Jew-Gentile misunderstandings leading to antisemitic myths and resulting disastrous Zionist myths.
In the early 1500s Martin Luther, via his ‘Protestant Reformation’, preached that a person could go to heaven by believing in Christ without the Catholic Church’s approval, and that the Bible itself, not the Pope-Church’s edicts-interpretations, was what mattered. This helped reduce the coercive-monopoly power of the Church. Instead of people thinking and producing for the never-changing Priesthood, people now gained the freedom to think and produce for each other leading to more innovation.
Until the late 1700s most people lived in small nearly self-sufficient farming towns. As technology improved (engines and factories), the rate at which mankind could transform raw materials into wealth was rapidly increasing in cities. A growing class of businessmen-entrepreneurs-capitalists were constantly innovating, and due to people’s “freedom to trade” their “private property” only for things they deemed superior alternatives, entrepreneurs also had to copy the innovations of competitors, thus inadvertently creating and spreading superior information, turning cities and the entire planet into supercomputers that were constantly reordering mankind in increasingly productive and technologically advanced states. Competition between increasingly wealthy-productive factories-entrepreneurs motivated them to pay increasing amounts of wealth for labor relative to what people could earn in farms, causing people to move to cities quickly leading to massively complex metropolises-supercomputers. The saved wealth-profits of entrepreneurs, via the banking-finance sector, would be loaned-invested in new factories-businesses allowing workers to consume for the months-years it may take before the factories actually produced wealth, and also further competed for their labor raising their wages and living standards. Morals are ways of acting, they too are information which also emerges and spreads via economic competition to considerable degrees. It is hard-working, tolerant, courteous people, who treat everyone with respect in a manner that maximizes cooperation and production regardless of age, sex, race, religion, etc., who thanks to competition, inadvertently motivate everyone else to be likewise. As this process (emergence of modern free market Capitalism) was happening many businessmen-workers-capitalists were significantly wealthier than others, especially poor people working in dangerous and unsanitary conditions, and the social order was also getting mind-bogglingly complex.
These changes, from the increasing freedom brought about by Luther’s Protestant Reformation, to the growing class of entrepreneurs-businessmen and Capitalism, were NOT the deliberate design of people, they were, to use Menger’s phrase, the “unintended results of historical development” or Adam Ferguson’s famous phrase “indeed the result of human action, but not the execution of any human design”.
Just like environmental factors favor the emergence and spread of certain genes, the environment was ripe for the emergence of a new ideology-mythology, Socialism-Communism-Scientism-’Coercive Competition-immune-monopoly Central Planning by Experts’ who would allegedly create a more efficient and fairer society compared to the seemingly unjust chaos freedom and emerging Capitalism was creating. Eventually someone would describe these increasingly popular myths in a manner that was bound to go viral and that is what sort of happened with Karl Marx and his bite-sized ‘Communist Manifesto’:
“the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property”….”Abolition of the family!”
In 1917 Vladimir Lenin via his Bolshevik Revolution begins to take control of Russia and attempts to implement Socialism-Communism. By destroying private control of wealth and putting it in the hands of a single competition-immune-coercive bureaucracy of “experts” (government), Socialism inadvertently destroyed the ‘competitive knowledge discovery’ that only existed among competing entrepreneurs in the private sector, and also the businessmen’s profit-loss calculations which kept the private sector ordered in a manner where more wealth was produced (sales revenue) than consumed (costs) thus being profitable-pie-wealth-life-order increasing. This led to technological stagnation, more consumption than production leading to massive famines, and tyranny as the public had to be coerced into following the government-expert plans. Kulaks, small slightly-better-off Russian farmers-businessmen who would profit by paying laborers less than 100% of the revenue they helped produce would be seen as greedy-malicious-immoral “exploiters” to be jailed-killed with impunity. Religious Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc. who provided a moral basis for the freedom to not go along with Socialist mythology-morality would be seen as immoral enablers of Capitalist “exploitation” and subject to persecution. In the period between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox Churches in the Soviet Union fell from 29,584 to less than 500. Since religious people saw the atheistic Socialists who were persecuting them, not as economically-ideologically misguided, but as being “evil”, “Satanic”, etc., which the atheist-Darwinian-rational Socialists found absurd, this made it even easier for Socialists to persecute and rid themselves of these “irrational” myth-believers who got in the way of all the great progress Socialism would allegedly bring.
Since the emergence of modern Capitalism summarized above occurred first in Europe, many ‘white people’ (British, French, Germans, etc.) mistakenly thought that their race or “identity” was a significant factor in the rapidly growing prosperity which fueled some European Imperialism and racism. This also had the disastrous effect of causing many non-Europeans to see Capitalism as some exploitative ideology used by whites-Europeans to exploit others, thus making non-Europeans (Asians, Africans, the Middle East) even more susceptible to Socialist myths. To this day the so-called ‘Hard Left’ still naively sees things in terms of racist Capitalist exploitation by America-West.
The Soviets-Socialists would further fool themselves in other subtle but important ways. For example, the Soviet Union was the home of most of the world’s best chess players from 1927 to 1993. They were also the first to put a man in space (Yuri Gagarin) among other accolades which fooled them into a misguided sense of superiority which understandably kept the Socialist myths going.
If the cells in your body suddenly used “reason” to decide how to act instead of following their traditions that have been shaped by natural selection (competition) for billions of years, you’d get a biochemical chaos. Similarly, evolved religious traditions increasingly respected-tolerated freedom leading to the aforementioned ‘economic competition’ and resulting complex ‘Social Organism’, but as the order got mindbogglingly complex and seemingly “unfair”, the smarter apes used their “reason” to bring about coercive-rational-competition-immune-central-planning which destroyed the far wiser evolved religious traditions which protected freedom and emerging superior order, leading to socioeconomic chaos.
Fortunately Menger’s descendants like Ludwig von Mises and his pupil 1974 Nobel Laureate F.A. Hayek and many other freemarketeers helped enough people overcome the economic fallacies and myths that kept the disastrous Socialist ideology going. Free market legend and 1976 Nobel Laureate in Economics Milton Friedman summarizes:
“There is no figure who had more of an influence, no person who had more of an influence on the intellectuals behind the iron curtain than Friedrich Hayek. His books were translated and published… by the underground, and black market editions read widely and undoubtedly influenced the climate of opinion that ultimately brought about the collapse of the soviet union.” (Milton Friedman)
Eventually the Socialist myth-believers had enough doubt and got their reformers via Gorbachev in the Soviet Union and Deng Xiaoping in China.
It is vitally important to see the Socialist-Communist ideological disaster as the result of neither malice nor stupidity, it was an understandable set of myths that homo sapiens inadvertently fell for given the rapidly growing complexity of a non-human-designed socioeconomic order.
We now look at Jew-Gentile misunderstandings leading to antisemitic myths, their resulting disastrous Zionist myths, and similarities to Socialist myths and resulting chaos.
Since the Catholic Church and Islamic world banned charging interest on loans thus essentially outlawing banking-finance for Christians and Muslims, this removed all non-Jewish competition leaving most of the industry just for them as “the unintended product of historical development”. Historian Paul Johnson writes:
“The Jews reacted by engaging in the one business where Christian laws actually discriminated in their favour, and so became identified with the hated trade of moneylending. Rabbi Joseph Colon, who knew both France and Italy in the second half of the fifteenth century, wrote that the Jews of both countries hardly engaged in any other profession” (A History of the Jews. , p. 174)
Socialism’s atheism would also do away with a major source of Jewish troubles now that everyone was supposed to be atheist-irreligious in the new scientific and “rational” Socialist world. The central and viral economic fallacy of Socialism, that having smart people-”experts” plan the social order would be better than letting allegedly selfish and greedy businessmen do so, needed the smarter and better educated to be the planners, and this is exactly what Jews were compared to the rest in Russia, thus as “the unintended product of historical development” rising to the top of the movement. Historian William Johnston writes that “Jews had enjoyed many centuries of literacy before the rest of Europe started to become literate in the eighteenth century.” According to Lenin:
“The fact that there were many Jewish intelligentsia members in the Russian cities was of great importance to the revolution. They put an end to the general sabotage that we were confronted with after the October Revolution… The Jewish elements were mobilized… and thus saved the revolution at a difficult time. It was only thanks to this pool of a rational and literate labor force that we succeeded in taking over the state apparatus” (Slezkine, “The Jewish Century” p. 224)
This large participation-association of ethnic Jews with Socialism would have disastrous consequences for the majority of Jews who did not want to be a part of Socialism and much less abandon their faith and traditions. As Lenin and Trotsky (Jewish) were launching post-World War One Russia into a civil war(1918–22), Jews would pay a heavy price. Johnson writes that:
“The consequences for the Jews both immediate and long-term, both locally and world-wide, were appalling. The White Russian armies, seeking to destroy the Soviet regime, treated all Jews as enemies.…In all three countries[Ukraine, Hungary, Rumania] the local Communist Parties had been largely created and run by Non-Jewish Jews, and in each case it was the unpolitical, traditional, observant Jews of the ghettos and villages who paid the penalty.” (Johnson, “A History of the Jews”, p. 452) [author]
Again, it needs to be stressed: “In all three countries the local Communist Parties had been largely created and run by Non-Jewish Jews”. Thus it is easy to understand how Hitler, Churchill, and countless others would mistakenly see Socialism as some kind of “plot” by “the Jews” or something very tied to their biology. Also by being more likely to be atheists and thus freer from traditional religion-influenced morals which goes hand-in-hand with a Darwinian-evolutionary outlook which is more tolerant and permissive of human nature, the evolving ‘Jewish Identity’ once again found itself leading the carnal pleasures associated with Hollywood, pornography, LGBT, and the music industry which helps explain why Tel Aviv may be the gay capital of the world. As Marlon Brando put it: “Hollywood is run by Jews. It’s owned by Jews.” This also had the effect of making Jews per-capita leaders in science and technology, which would greatly aid their relative influence and ability to spread their views (right or wrong).
Jewish “identity” involvement, influence, and potential overrepresentation in the above movements-industries is yet again “the unintended product of historical development” and NOT the result of malicious conspiracy.
We are now in a position to fully appreciate the founder of political Zionism, Theodor Herzl’s wisdom when he brilliantly summarizes:
“We are what the Ghetto made us. We have attained pre-eminence in finance, because mediaeval conditions drove us to it. The same process is now being repeated. We are again being forced into finance, now it is the stock exchange, by being kept out of other branches of economic activity. Being on the stock exchange, we are consequently exposed afresh to contempt. At the same time we continue to produce an abundance of mediocre intellects who find no outlet, and this endangers our social position as much as does our increasing wealth. Educated Jews without means are now rapidly becoming Socialists. Hence we are certain to suffer very severely in the struggle between classes, because we stand in the most exposed position in the camps of both Socialists and capitalists.” (Herzl’s ‘The Jewish State’)
The above and similar factors, and the fallacy of attributing them to some biological or inherent characteristic of the fellow homo sapiens who absorb a “Jewish Identity” increased what we can refer to as antisemitic myths-fallacies. As a result of these fallacies Jews understandably evolved and spread a new myth-fallacy, that of Zionism.
Both antisemitism and Zionism are rooted in the same intellectual error, that the homo sapiens who have absorbed a “Jewish Identity” are so different from the other homo sapiens that they must abandon the real thousands of towns and Synagogues where for hundreds of years they were an integral part of Western Civilization to create a country (Israel) based on religious mythology (among other fallacies) in an area already populated by others who had a different “identity” (Muslims, Christians, and fellow anti-Zionist Jews) and for numerous understandable reasons were adamantly opposed to the creation of, and potentially living under a, “Jewish State”. Herzl himself highlighted this ideological congruence of both Zionists and anti-Semites in his foundational book “The Jewish State”(1896):
“The anti-semites will be our most steadfast friends.” “The anti-Semitic countries will be our allies.” “Great exertions will hardly be necessary to spur on the movement. Anti-Semites provide the requisite impetus. They need only do what they did before, and then they will create a desire to emigrate where it did not previously exist, and strengthen it where it existed before.”
At first Zionism was unpopular among Jews. Herzl wanted to have the First Zionist Congress in Munich but the local rabbinate was strongly opposed to the idea so he moved it to Basle, Switzerland (1897). They told him:
“Regarding nationality, we feel totally at one with our fellow Germans and therefore strive towards the realization of the spiritual and moral goals of our dear fatherland with an enthusiasm equaling theirs.”
Chaim Weizmann lamented how “assimilated Jews” were “dead against Zionism” and correctly identified Zionism as “a primitive tribalism”:
“For assimilated Jews…They looked upon it…as a primitive tribalism. They felt themselves…called upon to “rescue” Judaism from Zionism…these people are dead against Zionism…Zionism is not meant for those people who have cut themselves adrift from Jewry…”(Weizmann, ‘Trial and Error’)
Of course! That rapidly increasing number of very well educated cosmopolitan “assimilated Jews” spread all over Europe-USA just wanted to be fellow human beings or equal world citizens free of ancient tribalisms-mysticisms-identities. Many religious Jews who felt a divine calling to spread God’s message (Torah, 10 commandments, etc.) among all people found the idea of a secular Jewish State created by a bunch of Atheistic Jews abhorrent. Unfortunately, for very understandable reasons-factors for which nobody is to blame and are ultimately rooted in economic ignorance, like a rocket that is just about to reach orbit but runs out of fuel and comes crashing down to earth, Zionism would inadvertently evolve ‘Jewish Identity’ and pull Western Civilization back to an increasingly ethnocentric identity-worldview with disastrous consequences. Instead of having an “identity” or culture that could spread the TRUTH, that freedom and individual rights were increasing and antisemitism (along with slavery, unequal treatment of women, etc.) was decreasing, we now had the evolution of a “Zionist identity” that would be incentivized and grow by doing the very opposite, by bringing attention to, amplifying and attempting to eradicate antisemitism, not by understanding its numerous underlying fallacies, but by mistakenly using violence, force, vilification, separation, etc., a process that could only lead to polarizations between misguided antisemites and Jews-Zionists leading to WWII and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the countless wars that have emerged from it.
Just like the Socialists fooled themselves into morally justifying the persecution of non-Socialists, the same would increasingly happen with the Zionists. In his classic essay written in 1923 titled ‘The Iron Wall’, long, long, long before the rise of Nazi Germany, Vladimir Jabotinsky, one of the most important and influential Zionists and the sort of intellectual father of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party wrote:
“We hold that Zionism is moral and just. And since it is moral and just, justice must be done, no matter whether Joseph or Simon or Ivan or Achmet agree with it or not. There is no other morality.”
Zionism understandably went hand in hand with the vilification and attempted destruction of what it perceived as antisemitic regimes. On January, 1934 (over 5 years before start of World War Two), or Germany had any laws discriminating against Jews, Jabotinsky again:
“For months now the struggle against Germany is waged by each Jewish community, at each conference, in all our syndicates, and by each Jew all over the world. There is reason to believe that our part in this struggle has general value. We will trigger a spiritual and material war of all the world against Germany’s ambitions to become once again a great nation, to recover lost territories and colonies. But our Jewish interests demand the complete destruction of Germany. Collectively and individually, the German nation is a threat to us Jews.” (Jabotinsky)
The above mindset and inevitable growing polarization between Jews-Zionists and Nazi Germany, the combination of bad blood remaining from World War One twenty years earlier, the 1935 racist and anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws, and the government sanctioned cruelty of events like Kristallnacht (November 9–10, 1938) where thousands of Jewish properties were vandalized, had the obvious effect of turning Jews and those who rightly sympathized with their ill treatment against Hitler making it nearly impossible for Hitler to undo the wrongs of ‘The Treaty of Versailles’ forced upon the losing Germans after World War One, like Hitler’s very reasonable desire to reunite the German city of Danzig which had been sliced away from Germany and largely controlled by Poland. For example, former US President Herbert Hoover criticized the Roosevelt Administration’s virulent anti-Hitler stance when he wrote:
“Another action by Mr. Roosevelt was his influence upon the Poles not to negotiate the question of Danzig. The adamant attitude of the Poles against negotiations received support from the Washington Administration. The separation of the German city of Danzig from Germany…had long been a cause of agitation by the Germans. Both were a part of vengeance and there was merit in the German claims. I had stated at one time that they should be corrected.” (Hoover, ‘Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover’s Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath’)
In a famed interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin by Tucker Carlson, Putin rightly explains how World War Two was started due to Polish intransigence:
“in 1939…Hitler offered Poland peace and a treaty of friendship…demanding in return that Poland give back to Germany the so-called Danzig Corridor[the city of Danzig and some railways to connect it to Germany through Polish territory]…Hitler asked them to give it amicably but they refused…pushing Hitler to start World War II by attacking them… Why was it Poland against whom the war started on 1st September 1939? Poland turned out to be uncompromising and Hitler had nothing to do but start implementing his plans.”
Notice how, per Hoover’s statement, the Polish intransigence was ultimately enabled by the US Roosevelt administration. Roosevelt had been Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy during WWI, so the inertia of the anti-German hatreds of WWI, coupled with wanting to be seen as a great and tough moral leader, especially given his numerous Jewish friendships, led his administration to prevent peaceful resolution of the Danzig issue. In Sept, 10th 1941, less than 2 months before the US entered WWII, Chaim Weizmann sent a letter to Churchill mentioning how Jews helped England defeat Germany in World War One by bringing the United States into the war and how they will help England do the same thing again by once again bringing the US into the war. He writes:
“…Two years have passed since, on the outbreak of the war I offered to His Majesty’s government, on behalf of the Jewish people, the fullest active support of Jews in Palestine and throughout the world…I have spent months in America, traveling up and down the country, and clearly searching the American scene. Forces over there are finely balanced; the position is uncertain. There is only one big ethnic group which is willing to stand, to a man, for Great Britain, and a policy of “all-out-aid” for her: the five million American Jews. From Secretary Morgenthau, Governor Lehman, Justice Frankfurter, down to the simplest Jewish workman or trader, they are conscious of all that this struggle against Hitler implies. It has been repeatedly acknowledged by British Statesmen that it was the Jews who, in the last war, effectively helped to tip the scales in America in favour of Great Britain. They are keen to do it — and may do it — again .”
By October 27th 1941, just 11 days before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (11/7/1941) which would officially bring the US into WWII vs. Japan and Germany, the maniacal non-Homo-Sapiens portrayal of Germans arising from Jew-Nazi polarizations had reached the level needed to get the masses and glory-seeking politicians like Roosevelt agitating for slaughter. Roosevelt made a nationally broadcasted speech where he mentioned what is arguably the most absurd lie any leader in the 20th century has told his people:
“In the place of the churches of our civilization, there is to be set up an international Nazi church — a church which will be served by orators sent out by the Nazi government. In the place of the Bible, the words of Mein Kampf will be imposed and enforced as Holy Writ. And in place of the cross of Christ will be put two symbols — the swastika and the naked sword.” (Roosevelt’s ‘Address for Navy and Total Defense Day’)
After the war broke out, Chaim Weizmann mentioned the obvious: “this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry”. In a speech on December 3, 1942, in New York he mentions:
“We are not denying and are not afraid to confess that this war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry… Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going. The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan horses in the enemy’s fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory.”
Had enough people understood the fallacies leading to Hitler’s naive antisemitism and resulting Zionist mindset which understandably spread maniacal hatred towards people making antisemitic fallacies, World War Two and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict could have been easily avoided. Unfortunately, relatively few were focused on trying to understand the fallacies leading to the hatreds so the polarizations and war came, and then spilled over to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict whose history we briefly expand on next.
Wanting to win the support of Jews everywhere for their First World War against Germany, on November 2nd 1917, via the ‘Balfour Declaration’, the British government officially made it a policy to help create a “National Home” for Jews in Palestine. Former Prime Minister James Balfour mentioned in a cabinet meeting that:
“The vast majority of Jews in Russia and America… now appear to be favorable to Zionism. If we could make a declaration favorable to such an ideal, we should be able to carry on extremely useful propaganda in both Russia and America.” (Judis, J. B. (2014). Genesis: Truman, American Jews, and the Origins of the Arab/Israeli Conflict. , p. 59)
British Prime Minister during World War One Lloyd George added that:
“the Zionist leaders gave us a definite promise that, if the Allies committed themselves to giving facilities for the establishment of a National Home for the Jews in Palestine, they would do their best to rally to the Allied cause.” (Judis, p. 59)
The imperialist attitude of the British-Europeans is perfectly captured by former Prime Minister Lord Balfour who said at the time:
“I am quite unable to see why Heaven or any other Power should object to our telling the Moslem what he ought to think”
“For in Palestine we do not propose to even go through the form of consulting the wishes of the present inhabitants of the country though the American [King-Crane] Commission is going through the form of asking what they are. The Four Great Powers [Britain, France, Italy and the United States] are committed to Zionism. And Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, and future hopes, of far profounder import than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.”
The British won WWI and took control of Palestine. During the years 1920–1922 Winston Churchill was the Colonial Secretary allowing him to call the shots in the British controlled Middle East. On May 12th, 1921 Palestinian representatives sent the Colonial Office resolutions asking for representative government and the annulling of the Balfour Declaration, but on May 31st Churchill told the British Cabinet that:
“he had decided to suspend the development of representative institutions in Palestine ‘owing to the fact that any elected body would undoubtedly prohibit further immigration of Jews’ “ (Gilbert, M. (1991). Churchill: A Life., p. 437)
By 1939 the British were no longer in favor of distinctively Jewish national home as had been implied by the Balfour declaration, but were now in favor of a single Palestinian state where Jews and Arabs would get along as equals. On May 23rd, 1939 Churchill gave a speech in the House of Commons attacking this change in policy. He said:
“To whom was the pledge of the Balfour Declaration made? It was not made to the Jews of Palestine, it was not made to those who were actually living in Palestine. It was made to world Jewry and in particular to the Zionist associations. It was in consequence of and on the basis of this pledge that we received important help in the war[WWI]” (Churchill)
It is important to note how Churchill is admitting that Zionist Jews helped them win World War One against Germany. About a month earlier on April 1st, 1939 that crazy and irrational maniacal non-homo-sapiens Hitler gave a speech where he mentioned “What right, for example, has England to shoot down Arabs in Palestine just because they defend their homeland; who gives them this right?”
In 1936, future first Israeli PM and main architect of Zionism, David Ben-Gurion summarized the situation when he wrote:
“There is a fundamental conflict. We and they want the same thing: We both want Palestine. And that is the fundamental conflict”… “Were I an Arab…I would rise up against immigration liable sometime in the future to hand the country and all of its Arab inhabitants over to Jewish rule. What Arab cannot do his math and understand that immigration at the rate of 60,000 a year means a Jewish state in all of Palestine?” (Teveth, pp. 166–8)
Not knowing how to handle the growing chaos, the United Nations created the UNSCOP(UN Special Committee on Palestine) and came up with a recommendation, the “U.N. partition plan of 1947” (aka Resolution 181) which gave 55% of the land to 37% of the people(Jews, who owned less than 9% of the land) for a future Jewish state and 44% of the land for the majority and native Arab population for their future state, with the city of Jerusalem administered by the U.N. Needless to say the Arabs felt like some racist white guys in Europe deciding how to restructure the area, especially in such a manner, was not acceptable. The Zionists were understandably fed-up with the usual conspiratorial antisemitism and sporadic clashes with local Arabs, and as the British withdrew their forces they went on the offensive encouraging the depopulation of Arab villages and towns. Brigades were instructed:
“In the conquest of villages in your area, you will determine –whether to cleanse or destroy them.” (Morris, B. (2004). The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited.)
The common strategy was to use mortars to rain in bombs from above which would cause panic and exodus and then move in to finish the job. For example, one particular offensive in the coastal city of Haifa is partly described by Morris as follows:
“In preparation for the assault, around midnight 21/22 April, the Hagana had let loose with a 15-minute, 50-round barrage of heavy mortars on the lower city, triggering ‘great panic…and the mass exodus began’. Further barrages were released periodically during the night and in the morning of 22 April. By early afternoon, the attacks had broken the back of Arab resistance. Hours earlier, at 09:00, 22 April, Hagana units had reached Hamra Square and found it deserted: ‘All was desolate, the shops closed, no traffic…only several sick old Arab men and women moved about, confused.’” (ibid, p. 190)
By the time things settled in 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages and towns were destroyed or depopulated. Over 700,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes and NOT allowed to return once the fighting ended in an act of massive theft. This is what the Palestinians call the Nabka (catastrophe). When David Ben Gurion declared victory and the establishment of Israel in 1949, then US president Harry S. Truman was advised by the State Department and others against recognizing it, but in his how words:
“I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of Zionism; I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents.” (Judis, p. 209)
At this point many can reason that this is all too bad for the Palestinians but the Jews had no choice but to take such measures. According to renown Israeli historian Benny Morris, the offensive which eventually was used to overrun and expel the Arabs was begun due to Arabs cutting vital supply lines to Jerusalem. But even if this were true, Zionist leaders had been looking for the opportunity to transfer Arabs from lands they hoped to have for a future state for a long time and this war was obviously used to achieve this, and no attempts were made to allow people to return to their property once the war ended. For example, among many statements supporting transfer by leading Zionists, David Ben Gurion mentioned in 1938:
“With compulsory transfer we [would] have a vast area [for settlement]….I support compulsory transfer. I don’t see anything immoral in it.” (Morris, B. (1999). Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881–2001, p. 144)
On the 6th of February 1948, during a Mapai Party Council, someone mentioned that “we have no land there” while referring to some lands west of Jerusalem, to which Ben Gurion replied:
“The war will give us the land. The concepts of “ours” and “not ours” are only concepts for peacetime, and during war they lose their meaning” –Ben-Gurion’s War Diary, Vol. 1, entry dated 6 February 1948. p.211
Ben-Gurion also mentioned in his diary:
“The compulsory transfer of the Arabs… could give us something which we never had…This is national consolidation in an independent homeland.” (Morris, 2004, p. 47)
And also declared at a congressional meeting:
“Transfer is what will make possible a comprehensive settlement program. Thankfully, the Arab people have vast empty areas. Jewish power, which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out transfer on a large scale.” (Morris, 2004, p. 48)
Among the understandably traumatized and angry Palestinians who lost their property many would say antisemitic conspiratorial things and take up armed resistance towards the Zionist occupation of their property. The mostly secular “civilized” perfect-English speaking, relatively highly educated white European Ashkenazi Jews could easily point the finger at these “radical” darker skinned Muslims to further strengthen their Zionist fallacies, which further reinforced in their mind how superior they were intellectually, culturally and morally (“Culturally they are five hundred years behind us” — Jabotinsky), and how necessary it was for them to live apart, and how this was some ‘clash of civilizations’. Just like Martin Luther inadvertently transformed Christian identity, so would Theodor Herzl inadvertently do likewise for Judaism and Christianity by sort of Zionizing them both, which has also had immense ramifications for the Islamic world. As with Christianity, the Islamic world had been moving in a more tolerant direction, but the moral outrage over Zionism reversed that leading to the Islamic Revolution in Iran, 9/11, etc. This again would make it easier for Zionized minds to intensify the ‘clash of civilizations’ fallacies. Marx and Herzl and other Socialist and Zionist intellectuals likely never imagined how their well-intentioned ideas could have led to Bolshevik, Soviet Union, and Maoist tyranny, or the world-wide chaos Zionism has inadvertently brought about and current out-of-control tribalistic hatreds between Israelis and Palestinians which has nearly 70% of Israelis opposing “the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza residents” among the total destruction of the city. As Hayek explains:
“It is necessary to realize that the sources of many of the most harmful agents in this world are often not evil men but high-minded idealists, and that in particular the foundations of totalitarian barbarism have been laid by honourable and well-meaning scholars who never recognized the offspring they produced.”
Hayek again:
“Most people are still unwilling to face the most alarming lesson of modern history: that the greatest crimes of our time have been committed by governments that had the enthusiastic support of millions of people who were guided by moral impulses. It is simply not true that Hitler or Mussolini, Lenin or Stalin, appealed only to the worst instincts of their people: they also appealed to some of the feelings which also dominate contemporary democracies.”
Just like the Socialists-Communists lacked the economic wisdom needed to overcome their myths, and the critics of Socialism mischaracterized them as evil-malicious instead of understandably misguided, so do the Zionists lack the complex history and wisdom that is needed to overcome their myths, myths which are actually strengthened by many anti-Zionists who spew antisemitic fallacies. Socialism was a mistake even though many of its critics mistakenly referred to it as Satanic, and Zionism is a mistake even though many of its critics make antisemitic fallacies. Again, antisemitism and Zionism are two fallacies that grow from each other.
Mises tells us that “History speaks only to those people who know how to interpret it on the ground of correct theories.” Thus erroneous Socialist myths also led to misguided interpretations of history like (‘Marxian class theory’, etc.). Marx famously writes nonsense like: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” Likewise Zionism has evolved all kinds of psychobabble to portray Hitler and people making antisemitic fallacies as some non-homo-sapiens “evil”, “madmen”, etc. and see themselves as “the canary in the coalmine” being totally impervious to the seemingly obvious Darwinian fact that “Jews” are just fellow homo sapiens like all the others and just as inadvertently responsible for all the Jew-Gentile chaos we’ve had over the last 120 years. Just like Soviet achievements like having the first man in space and chess dominance, fooled them and supporters into keeping the disastrous ideology going, so does the fact that Zionists are so relatively successful-wealthy, especially compared to the Islamic world and obviously even more so to the brutalized and distraught Palestinians. Just like white Europeans fooled themselves into thinking they were superior just because they got lucky and a non-designed cultural evolutionary process that had little to do with their genes or reason took them to relative prominence via the emergence of Capitalism, so do countless Jews and Zionists look at their relative success and more “liberal values” in terms of freedom of speech, LGBT rights, etc. and naively further fool themselves into the moral and practical superiority of Zionism. The likely truth is that had there been no Zionism, the USA would not have entered WWI which would have ended sooner without the vindictive Treaty of Versailles, thus no Hitler, nor the misguided ideology that attempts to overcome antisemitism, not via education, but through vilification, force, separation, thus no Israel and the continued world-wide pro vs. anti Zionist views which are obviously about to once again lead to world war.
As with Socialism, an increasing number of people-Jews began to tie their “identity” to a massive error and eventually reach the stage where we are today, where saying that Zionism and the resulting Israeli state (as it currently functions) has been a massive error, essentially what most Jews in the late 1800s were wisely saying, is seen by many Jews and sympathetic Zionized supporters today as antisemitic hate-speech. CEO of the Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt has mentioned that “Anti-Zionism is antisemitism” and also that “Anti-Zionism is genocide”. Like a young ideologue who is persuaded by Marx’s “Communist Manifesto” and sees businessmen and investors profiting from laborers as selfish, “greedy”, sinister capitalist exploiters to be persecuted, as Israeli author of the excellent book ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’, Shlomo Sand, mentions: “Zionism has become…. a sort of Stalinism” which seeks to make it a ‘hate crime’ to criticize or want to greatly alter the current Israeli-Zionist state.
Many refer to Israel’s negligent destruction of Gaza as a “Genocide” attempting to portray the Zionists as malicious killers, but making such moral judgements is a mistake. The Zionists are thoroughly convinced that should Hamas and others have the means they would kill the Israelis, and, again, they can always fool themselves into such thinking by finding the distraught Palestinians who say awful things about the Zionists. Just like the Bolsheviks brutalized the Kulaks and the religious, the Zionists feel likewise justified in brutalizing the Palestinians and the destruction of Gaza. To Socialist and Zionist myth-believers respectively, the Kulaks suffered due to their intransigence and certainly NOT to the Bolsheviks’ economic policies, likewise the Palestinians’ suffering is due to their antisemitism and-or refusal to accept living under a ‘Jewish State’, as naïve Zionized American politician Senator Tom Cotton tweets: “Every civilian casualty in Gaza is 100 percent the fault of Hamas.” And certainly NOT the fault of the Israelis sending the bombs. Just fellow homo sapiens acting based on a complex “identity”-software they are not really responsible for. The cycle just repeats and expands until the polarizations lead to another world war.
Putin’s government gets along with strong critics of Israel and Zionism like Syria and Iran. Keeping with long established United Nations traditions going back to 1949, Russia recognizes territory in northern Israel referred to as the ‘Golan Heights’ as belonging to Syria, not Israel. The most important Palestinian leader, President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, considers Russia to be a fairer and more impartial collaborator for peace than the USA. He told Putin:
“We don’t trust America…We don’t trust it, we don’t rely on it, and under no circumstances can we accept that America is the sole party in resolving a problem,”…”Russia stands by justice and international law and that is enough for us,”….”we are happy and satisfied with the Russian position.”
Further complicating matters is the fact that Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish. Zelenskyy told Israeli politicians in a Zoom meeting “You can mediate between countries, but not between good and evil.” Thus displaying the simplistic-tribalistic ‘good and evil’ mythical thinking you need for large groups of homo sapiens to slaughter each other and is such an inherent part of Zionist ideology (Jew-vs.-antisemite). Zelensky is also trying to portray the good relations between Russia and Iran leading to Russians helping Iran acquire nuclear weapons. He mentioned: “Is Iran just interested in money? Probably not money at all, but Russian assistance to the Iranian nuclear program Probably, this is exactly the meaning of their alliance.” On Oct. 11, 2023, commenting on the Israel-Hamas war and general Israel-Palestine chaos, Putin mentioned that it “is a clear example of the failure of the United States policy in the Middle East…Without taking into account the fundamental interests of the Palestinian people.” Later Hamas mentioned that “[We] appreciate Russian President Vladimir Putin’s position regarding the ongoing Zionist aggression against our people and his rejection of the Gaza siege, the cutting of relief supplies, and the targeting of safe civilians there.” This understandably causes many “Zionized” minds to see Putin as the next Hitler and is the main ideological driver for US bellicosity towards Russia and China which does not go along with the anti-Russia-Iran hysteria. The recently elected US Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, mentioned that: “Hamas and Hezbollah are proxies of Iran, and they’re tied in now with Russia and China. I mean, it is a new axis of evil. That’s how we see it.” And also “For those of us who are believers it is a biblical admonition to stand with Israel.” There you have it. The polarizations that will lead to the Final World War are obviously once again outgrowths of Jew-Gentile misunderstandings as was the case in World War Two. Leading US Senator Lindsey Graham: “We’re in a religious war here. I’m with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place!” Former Vice President Mike Pence tweets in 4/1/2024 “We stand with Israel because we believe in right over wrong, and good over evil. And we stand with Israel because Israel’s very existence is proof that God’s promises are true.” Long-time Speaker of the House Nanci Pelosi remarked: “If the Capital burns to the ground the only thing that would remain is our commitment to…Israel.”
Just like the Soviet Union evolved an all-powerful secret police to enforce its ideology, the 100+ years of Zionification of America has likewise Zionized America’s police apparatus as can be easily seen by looking at the rise of naive simplistic ‘good vs. evil’ Evangelical Christian Former US Secretary of State as well as Director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo. To a naïve ‘good vs. evil’ thinker like Pompeo the immense complexities and history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be described as:
“This land, as an evangelical Christian, I am convinced from my reading of the Bible that 3,000 years onto now, in spite of the denial of so many, is the rightful homeland of the Jewish people,” (Pompeo, as quoted in ‘Middle East Eye’ “Pompeo claims Israel has biblical right to Palestine” 16 February 2023)
Pompeo, leading the charge of the forces of ‘good vs. evil’, sees the Iranian government as pure evil and anyone who sees things differently is engaging in ‘sheer madness’. He writes:
“The Iranian regime is a de facto terrorist group….the Obama administration’s overeducated liberals…. decided that they knew better and sought to cut a deal with Iran. They believed that they could transform due-hard Islamists into responsible partners in peace…It was sheer madness.” (Pompeo, “Never Give An Inch”)
Some of these ‘overeducated liberals’ are just non-naïve ‘good vs. evil’ thinkers who believe all homo sapiens can eventually overcome misunderstandings and have peace, but of course, this is ‘sheer madness’ to a thoroughly Zionized mind. Pompeo understandably radiates the ‘good vs. evil’, with-us or against-us tribalistic mentality in all directions with his hatred of famed journalists and whistleblowers Julian Assange (founder of wikileaks) and Edward Snowden whom he referred to as ‘simple hoodlums’ and writes:
“villains such as Assange…Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning…They certainly aren’t journalists. If they are foreigners, they are enemies. If they are Americans, they are traitors…. These crooks claim to be honoring human rights and free expression. They are in fact serving the interests of the most evil and repressive regimes… These enemies and traitors must be punished… I pursued Assange’s extradition hard as CIA director and secretary of state…. I lobbied the Ecuadorians to kick Assange out of his pathetic accommodations inside their embassy, and they finally capitulated…I will be delighted the day he is thrown into an American federal penitentiary. Just one less useful idiot free for Russia to exploit-and a warning to all such scoundrels in the future.” (Pompeo, “Never Give An Inch”)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a secular and very intelligent man who has a degree in Architecture from arguably one of the most prestigious and challenging universities in the world, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, yet on Christmas Eve Dec. 24th, 2023, in a message to Christians all over the world he said: “We’re facing monsters.” And two weeks later Bibi told the public about a conversation with fellow Jew, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken where he told him that “it is not just our war, it’s your war as well. This is that war of the sons of light vs. the sons of darkness. This is against the axis of evil.” The fact that Netanyahu refers to fellow homo sapiens as “monsters” and “sons of darkness” is indicative of just how lost in mythology and dangerous even today’s most popular, secular, and influential leaders can be. Netanyahu once mentioned “I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved. Moved to the right direction…80% of the Americans support us. It’s absurd. We have that kind of support.” Is this the result of some sinister conspiracy by “The Jews”? Of course NOT. The West evolved from oppressing religious minorities like Jews to then ensuring their equal treatment, which rightly brought them immense attention and sympathy, but without the proper intellectual tools needed to understand and overcome antisemitism, we just got us vs. them polarizations and wars. Zionist mythology understandably Zionized Jews and fellow white American Christians, who, again, are as ignorant of the history and complexities mentioned above as the Socialists were of free market economics. Again, NOT a conspiracy! If “the Jews” were smart enough to “plot” the numerous things people making antisemitic fallacies accuse them of, they would have been smart enough to realize that Socialism-Communism was a disaster for Jew and non-Jew alike and have been telling everyone about fellow Jew Ludwig von Mises and have built him a 20+ feet solid gold statue and placed it in front of the Western Wall. The fact that they have yet to do this is further evidence that Jews in general are as lost in ignorance and mythology as the rest which makes perfect sense since we are all just fellow homo sapiens.
Why all this chaos? The very root cause comes down to Carl Menger’s flux-capacitor insight. Money and all its emerging benefits like profit-loss calculation, the division of labor and information and economic competition above the level of small tribes, and the entire ‘Social Organism’ that emerges from it, is an undesigned evolved growth. Without the insights of Carl Menger and his ‘Austrian School’ and men like Ludwig von Mises and F.A. Hayek, it is easy to see how generally speaking mankind and our “leading intellectuals” are nearly as lost in economic ignorance and mythology as we were during the Crusades.
How do we get out of this mess? Just like ‘The Austrians’ got us out of the Socialist mess by sympathetically focusing on the fallacies-myths without “blaming” anyone we have to do the same. Mises:
“Neither as judges allotting praise and blame nor as avengers seeking out the guilty should we face the past. We seek truth, not guilt; we want to know how things came about to understand them, not to issue condemnations.”
Just like Socialist, antisemitic and resulting Zionist myths led to polarizations, overcoming them can lead to the truth that everyone can live in a single free-market state.