Thoughts regarding ‘Lipstadt slams Ayatollah Khamenei’s tweet about ‘Zionist merchants’’
Some thoughts while reading this article.
Lipstadt slams Ayatollah Khamenei’s tweet about ‘Zionist merchants’
This article helps us understand how the slightly smarter apes continue fooling themselves ready for what will surely be the Final World War. Everything comes down to understandable intellectual errors and economic ignorance leading to complex myths which cause the apes to self-mutilate. Deborah Lipstadt is rightly critical and very concerned with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s recent comments that:
“At the top of this mafia stand the prominent Zionist merchants, and the politicians obey them,” he tweeted. “The U.S. is their showcase, and they’re spread out everywhere.”
Khamenei is making the usual cocktail of errors which make it seem like both, Jews are some sinister plotters who control entire governments like the USA, and my guess is that we can also imply the similar association between “Capitalism” being some bad exploitative system that allows “the Jews” to exploit others. It is misguided views such as these which understandably leads to Jews, regardless of their small numbers, to gain immense support for their views among the white-European-Christian world. It is misguided ‘antisemitic’ conspiratorial thinking and the rightful sympathy and need to combat it that gains Jews the immense support and ‘power’ Khamenei complains about, NOT their alleged sinister plotting. It was the same thing in WWII. To many naïve thinkers “The Jews” “controlled” the USA and made it enter WWII to destroy Hitler and help Stalin and the Communists. Again, same fallacy. “The Jews” did not purposely “plot” in some sinister way the anti-Hitler and pro-Stalin sentiment, the anti-Hitler sentiment that played a leading role in WWII was an understandable outgrowth of Hitler’s idiotic antisemitism and racialist fallacies and more which then understandably led to many Jews and their understandably sympathetic supporters to rise or play a significant role in Western governments in fighting Hitler. Even though Hitler had some legitimate very reasonable political demands in the overturning or correcting of the disastrous ‘Treaty of Versailles’, his crass antisemitism and other fallacies were monumental errors that prevented him from overturning the Versailles wrongs and inadvertently take civilization to WWII. Something similar is repeating itself and will once again take mankind to the Final World War. The Iranians and many others have legitimate criticisms of the Israeli’s treatment of the Palestinians and the very existence of the Israeli state and the whole Zionist endeavor. There are plenty of people, many Jewish themselves, who are highly critical of Zionism and much that is related, but it is one thing to be critical of various political things due to innumerable complex socioeconomic factors, and to simplistically, naively and ultimately erroneously label Jews/Israelis as some malicious/sinister conspiratorial plotters. This is the error that leads Jews to have the immense political power, especially in terms of USA and European foreign policy that they do. As with Hitler, whatever truth their criticisms may have, whether it is the various injustices of the ‘Treaty of Versailles’, or whatever one may not like about how Zionism has been working out, the monumental error of falling for misguided and erroneous conspiratorial thinking totally overwhelms whatever truth may be in the latter two.
Unfortunately Deborah Lipstadt, lacking the necessary understanding of the inadvertent evolution of Jew-Gentile conflicts, the co-evolution of the religions, stuff like the Catholic Church’s ban on usury and how that inadvertently made Jews more prominent in finance/banking and how that inadvertently led to their dislike and countless other evolutionary factors that have NOTHING to do with some mythical “evil” or mysterious mystical force that causes some homo sapiens to dislike others… Without being able to break down antisemitism and Jew-Gentile conflicts to these understandable errors, Deborah Lipstadt is left with her own mythology and religion of ‘The world is awash with antisemitism’… ‘There is good and evil and we must fight evil everywhere we see it’. “We must fight “hate” ”… In her role as “Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism” , instead of spreading a sound understanding of the co-evolution of how various groups of homo sapiens absorb certain culturally-evolved identities (Jews/Muslims/Christians) and how complex factors have led to bad blood. She naively just becomes a global sorta priestess for naive “good vs. evil” thinking, and of course, how the forces of good and their militaries must confront the forces of evil. Inadvertently with the best of intentions, she simply spreads more of the “good vs. evil” nonsense which is playing a vital role in the coming Final World War. Putin treats the Iranians as fellow homo sapiens, as well as the Syrians, and in the eyes of simplistic thinkers this is obviously siding with “evil”. And it is this mindset that polarizes politicians and the masses as they segregate for slaughter.
Again, there is absolutely no one to blame for these intellectual errors and emerging calamities, the Iranians and various misguided ‘antisemites’ are fellow human beings whose minds are polluted by errors that lead to such mistakes or “hate” (seldom). And the Jews/Israelis understandably lack the necessary understanding needed to see why they are disliked. It is just homo sapiens doing their tribalistic things, sadly this time with nukes all over the world.